“Please let me stay at the hut. I promise I won’t make any more trouble.” She sounds desperate, and it concerns me how much I want to give this girl what she wants.
I stand up on my feet to gain a better position over her, if I’m gonna even consider her request she needs to know that I make the rules.
“Push me again and you’ll be back in that rusty car,” I warn her, narrowing my eyes and ensuring she knows I mean it. I push to the back of my mind the fact that I wouldn’t let her leave in it even if she wanted to, not at least until I’ve found this Billy cunt and bled him dry.
“Cross my heart.” She trails her fingertips across her chest and smiles at me.
“Get back inside.” I gesture my head back toward the hut giving her her first test. I need some time to myself to think things over, and having her around me makes it impossible. I’m relieved when she follows my order and I wait a few beats before I give into temptation and look over my shoulder at her. Then, when she catches me looking she hits me with that smile again.
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ.” I curse myself under my breath as I look back out at the ocean and when my cell vibrates in my pocket a few minutes later I see a message from Burlusconi.
Time for the disposal team.
Placing my phone back into my pocket I head toward the clubhouse to make it happen.
“Who here deals with the stiffs?” I ask Ruckus under my breath as I interrupt the game of pool he’s having with Wrath. The club is partying hard tonight in celebration of Wrath’s return, for some of the older members it’s a day they never thought they’d see and I can barely see across the room for all the hangouts that are here, female ones especially.
“Usually we draw straws.” He sniggers at me after he makes his shot, while Wrath rests his chin on the hand he’s holding his cue with, staring at me across the table like he’s got something to say.
“The prospect, how green is he?” I look over at Rocco and see him holding one of the whores’ tits in his hands like he’s weighing ‘em against each other.
“He’s seen his fair share, trustworthy. You know he’s Davey’s boy, right?”
“Yeah, was the first thing he told me,” I smirk, as I watch him jiggle the things in his palms while the girl laughs. I grew close to Davey over the years that I was here. He was as loyal as a man could be, and he was on to Cliff way before anyone else was. I’ll bet he’d be proud of his boy, despite the fact he don’t have the first clue on how to touch a woman.
“I wouldn’t send him on his own though, he ain’t ready for that.” Ruckus tokes back on the blunt he’s smoking.
“That’s fine I’ll go with him, y’all enjoy your night.” I go to tell Rocco to put the titties down and grab a shovel, but Ruckus pulls me back.
“Wait…you’re goin’ with him?” he checks he heard me right. “You ain’t forgotten that you’re our president have ya?”
“No, I ain’t gonna forget that. But I lead by example and there's nothin’ I’d expect my members to do that I wouldn’t do myself.”
“That mean we get to do that pretty, little fuck toy ya keepin’ in ya beach hut?” A voice comes from behind me and I don’t look to check who it belongs to before I throw my fist at it. The force of my punch sends Griller stumbling back onto a table full of glasses and I grab the first bottle I can get my hand on. Clutching it by the neck and smashing it against the pool table so it breaks. I move closer to the mouthy son of a bitch, gripping him by his cut and pinning him back against the table.
“I hear you talk about her like that again, I’ll take your other fuckin’ eye out,” I warn him.
“What do you mean my other fuckin’–” He screams in agony as I smash the broken bottle into his eye socket, then twist it into his flesh, I toss the bottle on the floor and use my fingers to scrape his eyeball and the tendons attached to it outta his face.
The club goes silent except for his screams and after I take his hand and drop the slimy organ into his palm, I wipe my bloody fingers on his cut and head for the door.
“Yo, Prospect,” I call over to the kid, who’s still staring at Griller in shock, along with everyone else in the room. “Grab a cage you're comin’ with me.” Pushing my way out the door, I head for my bike.
“That was kinda cool what you did to Griller back there. Unexpected, but fuckin’ cool. He’s always got too much to say.” Rocco stops digging to talk, again. I can already tell that the kid’s an inquisitive character, and I appreciate his enthusiasm, but that don’t get shit done.
“He had it comin’.” I continue to smash my shovel into the ground. The torch we brought with us ain’t giving off much light and I’m just about done with the fuckin’ day I’ve had.
“Griller’s an asshole, him and Greaser were always underminin’ Ruckus when Jimmer put him in charge,” he tells me as I jump out the hole and grab Davide D’Marco by his ankles, dragging his body so he falls inside with a thud.
“Well, he knows what’ll happen now if he tries that shit with me.”
I start filling the hole back up while Rocco rests on his shovel looking deep in thought.
“You gonna help with this shit or stand there lookin’ lost?” I lift my head up at him.
“Sorry, Prez… I was just thinkin’.”
“Well, don’t waste too much time on that, you're far too young to run for president.” I kick at his shovel to remind him it’s there to use.