Page 70 of Condemned Soul

“It’s what I’ve always liked about ya.”

“And the agent?” I look over my shoulder wondering if she’s in a room somewhere listening in.

“You can trust her,” he assures me, and this time it’s me that laughs.

“That's not what I was gonna ask. You know she wants to ride the silver saddle, right?” I lean forward and whisper. “Maybe ya don’t need those magazines after all.”

“Get the fuck outta here,” he nods toward the door with a cocky smile on his face that tells me that bitch has already ridden it. I get up and shake his hand before I take his order. Then just as the door opens I turn back around.

“Yo, Prez,” he looks up from the magazine he’s opened. “It’s been a journey, ain’t it?” I smile, hoping he knows how much I appreciate being with him on it.

“It sure as fuck has.” He nods back at me.

“What ya doin’ here?” Squeal looks surprised to see me when he steps into the room the guards told me to wait in.

“When Lydia heard we could bring shit in she made him some cookies.”

I hold up the Tupperware container from the seat beside me as evidence.

“‘Course, she did.” my brother laughs, then taking the seat on my other side he stretches his hands out over his jeans the way he always does when he’s nervous.

“What’s the mood like in there?” I ask, dreading stepping inside but knowing it’s something I have to do. We all know the risk that Prez is taking. Some are in denial about it, but me, I have things I wanna say and there ain't no way I’m gonna risk it being too late.

“Tough,” Squealer admits, staring at the floor and nodding his head, he doesn’t seem to care about the guard that’s standing on the other side of the room. “He ain’t gonna change his mind if that’s what ya came here for,” he tells me.

“I didn’t come here to change his mind,” I confess.

“So why did you come? Because I’m pretty sure it wasn’t to bring him cookies.” Squeal turns his head to look at me.

“You remember when they locked me up?”

“Don’t fuckin’ go back there, Screw.” He shakes his head and gets that concerned look in his eyes.

“We had no plan when we busted outta there, we were two kids who had been fuckin’ sectioned and that man on the other side of the door let us into his family.”

“We weren't crazy, Screw.” Squeal sounds irritated.

“You weren’t, you got yourself locked up so you could protect me. You sacrificed your own fuckin’ sanity so I wouldn’t be alone in there.”

“No.” He shakes his head firmly. “We talked about this, think about Lydia and the boys. Think about me. I got myself locked up in the nuthouse because me and you are supposed to be together. We shared a womb, we’ve shared every fuckin’ tragedy that’s been thrown at us, and now we are gonna share some fuckin’ happiness. That’s what Prez is doin’ this for,” he reminds me firmly.

“Squeal.” I look toward the guard and lower my voice. “When he gets transferred from whatever this place is, he will be locked up with men who never thought they’d get their revenge. They ain’t just gonna kill him, they’re gonna make him suffer. I can’t stand to think about that, not after all he did for us.”

“Well, don’t fuckin’ think about it, then. Think about somethin’ else because you are not gonna break your girl’s heart over this.” My brother stands up and kicks the door next to the guard open in anger.

The guard doesn’t flinch and he gives me a minute before he asks me if I’m ready.

“Two Temper Twins in one day, I’m honored.” Prez’s smile ain’t as convincing as he intends it to be when I step toward him and place Lydia’s cookies on the table.

“They’re from Lyd, she thought they might cheer ya up.”

“That’s kind of her.” He laughs a little and it makes all that I have to say next even harder.

“Prez, I know you got your plan and you think you have to do this on your own.”

“I don’t think it. I know it,” he cuts me off.

“Well, I disagree. I get what you’re doin’, and I like it. It keeps Lydia safe, it keeps my brother and his family safe, and now I’m askin’ you to let me play my role in that. Let me protect ya.” I know me getting myself locked up is gonna hurt everyone I care about, but I can’t be the dead weight any more.