Page 45 of Condemned Soul

“But you won’t,” I manage, “You won’t, because you may hate me, but you also respect me, and you want this just as much as I do.” He doesn’t deny my words, he just smiles at me before he kisses me, hard. I tense my legs tighter around his hips and brace myself for what I know is coming. My fingernails claw at his back as an orgasm I wasn’t expecting creeps up on me and, with his mouth engulfing mine to stifle my moans, I forget that I’m an agent and he’s an outlaw and I let him consume me.

* * *

“This didn’t happen.” I point my finger at him once I’ve pulled my pants back up and put myself back together.

“Fine by me.” He dumps the used condom in the waste paper basket and buttons up his jeans. Then casually strolling around my room, he looks deep in thought.

“You're a strange one, Agent Consuela.” He looks at all the boxes surrounding us and shakes his head.

“How so?” I ask curiously. Strangely, things don’t feel awkward between us. If anything, it’s as if a weight’s been lifted off my shoulders.

“You're so put together, you got everythin’ goin’ for you. Why would you wanna help a wretch like me? You haven't asked for any money… Yet.” He frowns.

“Maybe I wanna make a difference.” I snatch the netball trophy he pulls from one of the boxes out of his hand and put it back.

“You do illegal things, but you're a good man,” I tell him, topping up the wine and taking a long swallow.

“And how do you know that?” he queries. I have to force all the things I want to say out of my head and fake him a smile.

“Don’t make me stroke your ego, Jimmer, you know how well respected you are.”

“So, I’m a part of your make the difference agenda.” He laughs at me and as much as it frustrates me when he does that, I can’t help thinking that he’s handsome when he smiles.

“Not exactly, I stand to get something out of this. For me to save your club you need to give me something that will stand out. I need something bigger than Lambroni. I need something bigger than the Souls.”

“No one’s bigger than the Souls, darlin’.” Jimmer steps back into my space and makes my pussy pulse all over again.

“You think I don’t know that Cliff Adams was connected to something bigger?” I can tell from the look on his face that he didn’t.

“You think I don’t know about an organization that puts men in positions of power so they can pull government strings?” Jimmer takes a cautious step back.

“Who the fuck are you?” Now he looks really unnerved

“I’m just an agent trying to do the right thing, and sometimes you gotta get on the right side of bad to make that happen.”

“You want me to help you take down the organization?” he asks, and I can’t tell if it’s fear or confusion that I’m getting from him now.

“No, the organization would be too much of a complication from the position I’m in right now.”

“What are you talkin’ about?” He shakes his head.

“I’m talkin’ about all the people they have on the inside. I don’t know who I can trust. To learn more, I need a promotion.”

Jimmer nods his head as if he’s starting to understand. “If I get that promotion I will have a little more reach.”

“You really think you can bring down the organization?” He’s looking at me as if he thinks I’m crazy. “Kathrine, those men aren’t your run-of-the-mill fuckin’ gangsters, they’re politicians and?—”

“Agents.” I smile at him cleverly. “They have more than one inside man among us and I will find out who they are.”

“You should stay clear of that shit,” he warns me, almost sounding as if he cares.

“I appreciate your concern.” I get a strange satisfaction from toying with this man who so many fear. “So, are you gonna get me what I want?” I ask, trying my best not to show how much I need him with me on this.

“You’ll get what ya want,” he tells me with a grave look on his face.

“You gonna tell me what that is?” Now I’m the one who's curious, I’ve wracked my brain trying to figure out who Jimmer would betray to save his club but I don’t expect what comes next.

“You’re lookin’ at him.” His words come out soft and defeated.