“You got it all planned out, haven’t you?” She smiles, proving that she can’t argue with my logic.
“There was a time when I thought I did.” I look into the eyes of the woman who could potentially destroy everything I’ve worked for. I should probably wanna hurt for it, but I don’t. Kathrine Consuela is making her mark on this world, she thinks she can make it a better place and there’s a big part of me that wants to believe her.
“Rex is in one of the storage containers. McGrath tied him up and gagged him.” She hands me a key. “It’s the big yellow one, 0098.” She smiles but makes no eye contact.
“And ya can trust this McGrath?” I check.
“We can trust him,” she assures me.
“So, this is a we thing now?” I take the key she hands over and I slip it inside my pocket.
“This doesn’t change anything. The Lambronis aren’t who the task force were investigating. I arrested them as a favor to you. I still need more.”
“Prez?” Jessie comes running out the gate and when he sees Consuela, he narrows his eyes like a wolf about to pounce.
“Relax, she’s here to tell us where Rex is.” I ease him down and I can see how much he detests the fact I’m trusting her.
“I better go, we worked well together, today.” She holds out her hand for me to shake and I hear Jessie growl when I take it.
I wait for her to get in her car and drive away before I turn to face him.
“Look, Jess, I know you ain’t keen?—”
“That doesn’t matter right now. We got bigger problems,” he cuts me off, lookin’ real worried.
“What is it?”
“You asked Maddy to hack the laptop we found at Cliff’s apartment,” he reminds me.
“Well, she explained how to do that fancy shit that allows her to access it from home, and she just called.”
“Does she know where he is?” I hold out on some hope that she found something.
“I’m sorry, Prez,” Jess shakes his head. “She got nothin’ on that, but she did find out how he knew you were comin’. Tawk’s hunch was right.” Jessie drops his head because he knows as well as I do that this ain’t good. It ain’t good at all.
“A vacation?” I look at Nyx wondering if he’s lost his mind. Most of the brothers have traveled to Long Beach to take down Cliff, and I have to admit I was a little relieved when Nyx and Brax were given the job of holding down the fort here.
“Yeah, just me, you, and the kids.” He shrugs like this isn’t a big deal.
“And my dad’s cleared this?” I check, trying not to get too excited.
“It was your daddy’s idea, darlin’.” He steps closer and lifts me up onto the kitchen counter, kissing my lips until I force him away.
“Do you really think now is the time for a vacation? My mom’s here and you know?—”
“That’s exactly why this is the time for a vacation. Your parents' issues become your issues and right now you have enough to deal with. You need a break.” He checks over his shoulder to ensure Sophia’s still asleep in her travel cot before he slides his hands up my dress.
“Ermmm… are you looking to make baby number three?” I shove his hand away and slide myself off the counter.
“Always.” He stops me from getting away from him and pulls me back.
“Come on, we need this. Just me, you, and the kids. It’ll be perfect.”
“I… I want to, but…”
“But what?” Nyx laughs as he gives me some space.