“Thank you.” I’ve swallowed my pride so many times since I came here a few days ago that it’s almost starting to feel normal.
“You should still stay here a few days, let the dust settle. I think Ella likes havin’ you around.” He points his eyes over to where our girl is fussing over Grace and Brax’s new baby.
“I appreciate that too.” I move to walk away, and when he reaches out and grabs my arm, my body sizzles with that dangerous thrill I remember all too well.
“Joanne, you ain’t thinkin’ of goin’ nowhere, are ya?” He looks suspicious.
“You mean leaving town?” I check we’re on the same page.
“Yeah, that's what I mean,” he confirms, and the seriousness in his expression seems almost threatening.
“No, I like being close to them.” I smile at the scene I’m seeing in front of me.
“Good, because she needs you.” He sounds as if he’s swallowing a little pride of his own.
“What do you mean she needs me?” My head spins back round to face him.
“I mean what I said, she’s your daughter and she needs you.” I see something behind his stern exterior as he watches her pass over Grace’s baby when Nyx comes through the door. She goes straight to him and he lifts her up off her feet, kissing her like they’ve been apart for far too long. It's a love that’s pure and uncontrollable. The kind of love me and Jimmer used to have for each other.
“I gotta go visit Hayley.” Jimmer puts down the drill when he’s finished fixing the door to the barroom that will be the clubhouse at the new compound. “You gonna stick around here until I get back?” He kisses my cheek.
“Depends how long you're going to be?” I do my best not to sound jealous. I have no issue with the fact that Jimmer wants to spend time with his daughter. What I don’t like is the idea of his old lady being there too. I’ve been seeing Jimmer for six months now and I’ve heard enough of the things said about Mary-Ann to know that what he offers her isn’t enough for her.
“Hey, don’t be like that. Ya know how things are.” He looks drained.
“I know exactly how things are.” I smile at him sarcastically.
“You know I only go round to see Hayley, me and Mary-Ann?—”
“She’s still your old lady. She still waltzes into your bar in town whenever she wants and lays down the law,” I remind him.
“Joanne, we’ve been over this, she’s a liability, I have to give her some leeway.” He shouldn’t have to explain, I can see he’s exhausted by her, and the last thing he needs is me going on at him. It’s just hard to swallow sometimes.
“I’ll be here when you get back,” I assure him, standing up and giving him something to remember me by.
“Good.” He turns my innocent kiss into something much more intense when he grabs my throat and slips his tongue into my mouth. It makes my stomach flip before he pulls away and heads out the door. It’s ridiculous that I already miss him and I’m really starting to worry that I’m in far too deep with this man. The Blue Spruce Resort has become our little safety bubble. There’s still a lot of work to be done here before the club makes its move, but that time is coming and I know Mary-Ann will be coming with it. At the moment. it’s quiet here and most of the time it’s just him and me. I love hearing how passionate Jimmer gets when he talks about the club’s future. He’s putting his heart and soul into building something really special and I’m starting to wonder where I fit into it.
I’ve been getting increased pressure from my parents about never being around, especially since Paula got herself a husband and moved out. I hate having to lie to them, but I can’t tell them the truth. They would lock me in the house and never let me leave again.
When Tac and Thorne turn up to do some decorating I decide to pick up a roller and help them. At least passing the time will take my mind off the Mary-Ann issue, and stop me worrying about how far Jimmer would go to make sure she’s compliant.
A few hours pass before Jimmer returns. I can tell from the way he walks in that it hasn’t been good.
“How did it go?” I round the bar, taking a bottle of Jack from behind it and grabbing him a glass.
“Mary-Ann was on form.” He kisses me before taking the bottle from my hands and knocking it back.
“What’s she up to now?” Thorne shakes his head.
“She wants to get a full-time nanny for Hayley so she can have more of a presence around the club.” He shakes his head and looks disappointed. “Apparently, she feels left out and is sick of playing babysitter all the time.” He laughs bitterly as he takes another swig.
“That’s her own kid,” Thorne points out.
“She’s mine too, and I’m seein’ her every chance I can. I just hate that whenever I go round, Mary-Ann makes it about us.” Jimmer looks at me as if he can sense it isn’t what I want to hear. “I’m sorry.” He shakes his head like he’s disappointed in himself for being honest.
“It’s fine, I’d rather know than have you keep it from me.” I smile and take his hand. “I’m just wondering why you let her do this. You're not afraid of anyone?” I question him, and Jimmer nods his head at Thorne like he’s giving him some kind of permission.
“When the club first became established, Prez and the originals were makin’ a lot of money, fast. They had to make investments and do everythin’ they could to make that money legitimate,” Thorne explains. He may be young but he’s got a head for numbers and Jimmer trusts him with all the club finances.