Page 10 of Condemned Soul

“Order me a martini,” I call over the music to Carol, before I take a brave breath and head right for him.

“Now, how is it that the leader of the pack is sitting here all by himself?” I ask him curiously.

“Because, when the leader of the pack tells everyone to leave him alone, they listen,” he bites back, making me feel ridiculous, and when I feel the heat in my cheeks start to flare I quickly retreat.

“I’m sorry. I’ll erm…”

“Wait.” His hand reaches out and wraps tight around my wrist. “I didn’t tell ya to leave me alone. Sit.” He gestures his eyes to the opposite side of the booth he’s in and when he releases me, I find myself automatically doing as he asks.

“You want somethin’ to drink?” he offers.

“My friend’s at the bar, she’s getting us…” He snaps his fingers and a guy with a bald head and arms covered with tattoos comes rushing over.

“You see who this girl walked in here with?” Jimmer asks him.

“Yeah, boss, I saw.” The guy nods eagerly.

“You keep her entertained at the bar and have Thorne bring this girl a…” He looks at me for an order.

“Martini.” I smile.

“Martini.” The two men chuckle at each other and make me feel even more stupid.

“Darlin’, this ain’t a martini kinda joint. Tac, you just bring her a vodka with plenty of ice,” he orders before sending the guy off on his way.

“Do people always do what you tell them to?” I can’t help feeling completely enthralled by this man and his power.

“Most of the time.” He flicks his cigarette ash into the ashtray beside him before taking another toke and making it look hot. So hot that I feel heat pool in my stomach.

“Why did ya come back here tonight?” he questions me thoughtfully. “And don’t lie. There’s nothin’ I hate more than liars.” His frown is deep and unforgiving.

“I came to see you,” I admit, my hands fidgeting under the table and all the confidence quickly evaporating from my body.

“That’s sweet.” He smiles and nods his head at the same time. “But it’s also real fuckin’ stupid.” The serious look quickly returns to his face, and I glance over my shoulder looking for the bald guy because, suddenly, my mouth is very dry.

“I remember that nice place I dropped your sister home at, and I know girls like you don’t belong in places like this.”

“I don’t think you know much about girls like me, at all.” I hold my nerve and challenge him, and when his friend arrives with our drinks I keep my eyes fixed on his while he smirks at my comment.

“Ya got me there, darlin’.” He knocks back the glass that gets placed in front of him.

“I think I intrigue you as much as you intrigue me.” I feel my confidence start to build again as I take a sip of my vodka.

“Got me again.” He shrugs.

“We’re worlds apart and I like that,” I admit, thinking about boring Vincent and the life I’d have ahead of me if I settled for him.

“You must have heard what people say about me.” His forehead creases like he’s confused.

“I’ve heard.” I don’t give too much away. I want this man to know I make my own judgment.

“Then why ya playin’ with fire?”

“I just came here for a drink.” I shrug innocently.

“And to see me,” he reminds me of my earlier confession.

“Maybe, I came here to look but not to touch.” I see a thrill flicker in his eyes as his fingers tense around his glass