Page 10 of Drippy


We sipped in silence, comfortable. Easy. I never had that before. Never knew conversation could flow without me tripping over every word. With Agatha, the pauses felt right. Not awkward. Not forced. Just two people sharing moments between sips of coffee.

The sun peaked and dipped. I glanced at the empty cups between us. I was on a high. A buzz not just from caffeine but also from her. My Angel. The final drops of coffee clung to the ceramic-like reluctant goodbyes.

"Wow, time really flew," Agatha said, her eyes dancing with the same surprise I felt.

"Like it sprouted wings." My laugh came out more breath than sound.

We stood together, the chairs scraping softly against the floor. A silent agreement hung in the air, neither wanting to break the spell of our first encounter.

"Guess this is it for now?" Her voice wavered, a tremor of hope beneath the words.

"Seems so." I shoved my hands into my pockets, feeling for something to fiddle with. Found nothing but lint and nerves.

She reached for her bag, hoisting it over her shoulder, her movements slow, deliberate. Her eyes met mine, held them. We were two magnets; polarity flipped, drawn, and yet not touching.

"Today was..." She trailed off, biting her lip, the curve of her smile fighting through.

"Unexpected." My heart hammered a staccato rhythm, the thrill of connection mixed with the ache of departure.

"Good, unexpected?" Her eyebrows arched, teasing.

"The best kind."

"Then let's do it again?" The question hung in the air, a kite caught in a breeze.

"Definitely." My nod was a bit too eager, but I didn't care. "Let's. Here's my number; text me if you want."

And just like that, we edged towards the door, a ballet of hesitant steps and sideways glances.

"Take care, Arnold." Her hand brushed against mine, a spark that lit up my insides.

"Same to you, Agatha." I wanted to say more, to tell her how she made the usual unease fade into the background noise of the cafe.

We stepped out; the city sounds rushed in to fill the space our voices left behind. The door closed with a gentle jingle, a soft curtain on the scene.

I watched her walk away, each step a promise of unwritten chapters. A story I wanted to be part of. And as I turned to head home, a smile played on my lips, one that spoke of beginnings, not endings.