“I wasn’t. I mean, I was, but mostly, I was talking about my business.”
“And I want to know all about it, but I need to know more about the why first.”
“The why?”
“Tell me why you started the business. Tell me about this kink you have.”
“What more is there to say?”
“You said you have a cum kink. What does that mean to you?” He asks the question the same nonjudgmental way someone would ask what my favorite food is, and it gives me the confidence to explain.
“I get off on being ejaculated on.” My words are barely a whisper. When interacting in online forums or on a sales call with sex shops, I have all the confidence in the world, but the real-life experiences I’ve had have left me jaded.
“Damn, Baby Cakes. You have no idea what you’re doing to me. Tell me more.” I’m surprised when it’s not a look of repulsion staring down at me, it’s. . . heat. Desire. Yearning. Is it possible that Eaton could be into this?
“I like to play with it, swallow it, and rub it into my skin. It’s not just the actual cum that gets me off; I like the ownership of it. When someone nuts on me, it feels as though I’m being claimed. At least, that’s what I fantasize about. I’ve never actually experienced it before, but I want to.”
“Which part?”
“All of it. I mean, I’ve had men come in my mouth?—”
He growls, a deep rumble that vibrates through his chest. “I don’t want to hear about other men.”
“You asked which part.”
He releases me to run a hand through his hair. “Fuck, you’re right. I just don’t like picturing you with anyone else but. . .”
“But you? We haven’t even kissed, Eaton. Not really.”
“Then I guess it’s time to rectify that.” Before his words register, his mouth is on mine. With a hand against my throat, he’s moving me up until my back meets the counter. He breaks the kiss to crouch, and I panic when I realize he’s going to try to pick me up. This is about to get embarrassing because I’m not easy to lift. It’s not a dig at myself, just the truth. I’m a sturdy girl. I place my hands on his shoulders to stop him, but before I can speak, my feet are off the ground, and I’m sitting on the stainless steel surface. He winks. “I can deadlift four hundred and forty pounds. All the time I’ve spent in the gym has been preparing me for you and your sexy-as-sin body.”
My words are cut off with another kiss as he parts my legs and steps between them. With me on the counter, our bodies are perfectly aligned, allowing me to press my tits up against his chest and wrap my legs around his waist. He grips my ass and pulls me even closer until his clam hammer is flush against my pearl. I moan into his mouth, waves of desire crashing over me, but before we get carried away, I have to know how he feels about my business, personally and professionally.
Pushing against his chest, I pull away. “Wait. I need you to understand what you’re getting yourself into.”
“The only thing I want to get into right now is the wet heat between your legs.” He moves in for another kiss, but I shove at his chest.
“I’m not looking for something casual. I’m too old for that. This isn’t me asking to marry you or move in or anything like that, I just?—”
“Yes, what?”
“I’ll marry you, and I’ll move in. Though I’ll warn you, my house is pretty amazing. It’s old, but it’s been restored and?—”
Now it’s my turn to interrupt because he’s talking crazy. “I said I wasn’t asking for those things.”
“Okay, then I’ll be the one to ask. Will you marry me and move in with me? I don’t have a ring because I wasn’t planning on meeting the woman of my dreams today, but I’ll get one. Don’t you worry about that.”
“Eaton!” His name is loud and sharp on my tongue. It does the trick because he quiets. “You’re skipping too many steps.”
Whatever he sees on my face brings him down a few notches, and his energy gentles. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“I need to know how you feel about what I told you. My sexuality and my company are important to me, and I want to be with someone who shares my kink and won’t be embarrassed by what I’m trying to build here.” I gesture over to the pot.
His hands move to my hips, and he grinds his steel rod against me. “I’ll be honest. I didn’t even know that was a kink, but you can feel my reaction to just the thought of showering you in my seed. And I know your business is important, so I promise to support you in any way I can. I’m not embarrassed; I’m proud of you. It can’t be easy to pursue your dream when it’s so closely tied to something personal.”