I motion to the stools. “Say what you need to say so I can get back to work.”
He takes my hand, ignoring the stools in favor of lowering himself to the ground before tugging me down next to him. I know he’s trying to remind me of the day we met, and god, does it hurt.
He blows out a steadying breath, not releasing my hand even when I try to tug it away. Nothing has changed, he’s still an overbearing asshole, but I havechanged, and I won’t be so quick to believe his bullshit this time.
“You know Daniel called while you were in the shower the night you left.” It’s not a question, so I just nod. “What he said changed things, but not in the way you think it did.”
“You flipped a switch and went from begging me to be in your life to ignoring me and treating me like I didn’t belong,” I say, tears filling my eyes against my will.
“Oh, Baby Cakes.” He cups my cheeks, brushing away the tears with his thumbs. “I’m so fucking sorry that’s how I made you feel. Daniel gave me a lot to think about, and I was so wrapped up in it I didn’t stop to think about how that would affect you.”
“It was shitty of you.”
“It was, but you have to know that wasn’t my intention. Daniel told you something completely opposite of what he told me.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“I don’t expect you to, not until I tell you everything.” He lowers his hands to mine, where they’re resting in my lap. “He told me if I didn’t back off, he’d fire you from your own company. He said you signed the paperwork giving him majority control.”
“And did I?” I ask, unsure if I want to know the answer because it would be another example of how dumb I am.
“Unfortunately, yes. You trusted him, and he took advantage of that.”
I look up, a steady stream of tears falling now. “I’m such a fucking fool.”
“No, you’re not,” he says adamantly. “You trusted someone you were in a relationship with for a long time, and he betrayed that trust.”
“The same way you did.”
He flinches. “You’re wrong. I made plenty of mistakes, but I’d never trick you.”
“Sure.” I huff.
“Hold your judgment, Baby. Please.” He doesn’t wait for a response to continue. “He also said he never had any intention of helping you succeed with I Can’t Believe It’s Not Jizz. Matter of fact, he was going to make it look like you ran it into the ground so you’d give your dream up and return to being his respectable girlfriend. One who didn’t sell fake jizz.”
“Is that true?”
“I swear to God, Jenny. So you can see why I was caught up in my own thoughts. I was trying to figure out a way for you to keep your company and for me to keep you. I never wanted you to leave, not for one second.”
“Then why did you send me back all my stuff?” I croak.
“Because I had to figure things out, and while I was doing that, you needed to continue working. I knew that even if I offered, you’d never use the setup I created for you.”
As much as it pains me to admit it, that makes sense. “So, you’re here to tell me you figured out a solution and that I should come back like nothing happened?”
He blinks as if I stole his thunder. “Well, I mean, yeah. Kinda.”
“It doesn’t work like that.”
“You haven’t heard my solution yet.”
“I’ll listen, but I don’t think there’s anything you can say to make me trust you again.”
“I can at least try.” He shoots me a wink, and my insides melt. “Ever since you left, I’ve been spending all my free time trying to secure your company. Obviously, Daniel refused to let me buy it, but the thing about assholes like him is that they always have a price. I just had to find his.”
“What was it?”
“Porn stars.”