Page 22 of Handy


“Jenny, get out here now and explain yourself,” Daniel shouts, and I roll my eyes.

“What’s with all the shouting?” I ask, rounding the corner of boxes.

“Who is this Neanderthal?”

“Daniel, this is Eaton; Eaton, this is Daniel.”

“We’ve met,” Eaton growls.

“I’m sorry, Daniel. I forgot we had a meeting scheduled this morning, and I slept in. I was at the kitchen late last night, getting everything ready for this week’s deliveries.”

Daniel eyes Eaton up and down. The two men couldn’t be more different. Even nearly naked, it’s clear that Eaton isn’t as put together as Daniel is. His hair could use a trim, his beard is a skosh too long, and he’s in his underwear at eleven a.m. on a Monday. Daniel is in a three-piece tailored suit that probably cost him a couple thousand dollars, he gets his hair trimmed every Saturday, and he’s clean-shaven. Though, between you and me, I don’t think he could grow a beard if he tried.

“Right. That’s what kept you up.” He huffs, and Eaton grins like the cat who got the cream.

“We were at the kitchen late,” Eaton confirms. “But then we got back here, and well, you know how that goes.”

“Seriously, Jenny?”

If I could force myself to spontaneously combust, I would. “Can we reschedule, Daniel?”

“I thought you were ready for this responsibility, but maybe I was wrong about investing in this little business of yours. We can reschedule, but just know I’ll be taking another look at how much help I can offer when you choose a one-night stand over fulfilling your commitments.”

“Little business? Could you be more condescending?” Eaton scoffs, and even though he’s saying what I’m thinking, it’s not helpful.

“Eaton!” My tone is sharp, and I regret it immediately when I see the hurt in his eyes. I shouldn’t be siding with Daniel; he doesn’t deserve my loyalty, but he does have the money I need, so I have to tread carefully. “Daniel, Eaton isn’t a one-night stand. He’s my, my. . . boyfriend.”

I’m rewarded for my word choice when Eaton’s nose shoots up in the air smugly, and he takes my hand in his.

“Boyfriend? Since when?”

Yikes. That’s an answer I don’t want to give. “It doesn’t matter. Just know that he’s in my life, and you’ll probably see him now and then.”

“Especially since she’s moving in with me,” Eaton adds unnecessarily.

“Moving in?” Daniel’s tone drips with disdain. “With rash decisions like that, now I know you aren’t ready to handle the kind of money you need if you want to succeed.”

I drop Eaton’s hand, not because I want to, but because I need to. I’ve been dreaming of making my business a success for years, and now that it’s finally off the ground, I need to keep moving forward. But I need Daniel’s money to do that.

“Don’t do this, Daniel. You know I’m a hard worker. I’ve put my heart and soul into this and I know I can make us both money.”

“We’ll talk about this later. I’ll have my secretary pencil you in for later in the week, and I recommend dressing more appropriately when you come to my office.” With that, he turns on his loafers and walks out.

“What the fuck?” Eaton charges the door, but I step in front of him, closing it before there’s an altercation.

“He’s not worth it. Trust me.”

“Why do you let that asshole talk to you like that?”

“He talks to everyone like that. I’m nothing special.”

“Doesn’t answer the question.”

I sigh. “He has money, and I need money. He acts like I’m asking for a lot, but it’s only twenty thousand dollars. I need it to buy enough supplies to carry the amount of stock I need to sell to chain stores. Right now, one big order, and I’d be cleaned out.”

“Where do you plan on storing all that extra product?” he asks.

I grin, running my hands up his furry chest. “In my boyfriend’s garage, of course. Turns out he only uses one bay, which leaves two free.”

He likes this answer because he lifts me off my feet and kisses me. There’s one crisis averted. Now I just need to deal with my ex. Blech.