?. . .?
Tuckedinto her purse is a cheap pay-as-you-go phone, and I make a note to order her the new iPhone. She’ll need it for her business. A number flashes across the screen, but there’s no programmed name attached to it. I answer with all the annoyance I feel at being dragged out of bed after fucking my girl.
“Who’s this?” The annoying voice of Daniel sounds in my ear.
“The man who’s going to punch you in the dick if you ever blow up Jenny’s phone like that again. Unless someone has died, leave a goddamn message like a normal person.”
“Put Jenny on the phone.” Each word has an annoying “a” sound tacked onto the end.
“She can’t right now. She’s—” I almost say indisposed, but I’m not feeling very nice right now. “In the shower cleaning up the mess I made between her legs.”
“Are you joking right now? You’re a pig. I don’t know what she sees in you.”
“A big dick and a penchant for beating up bullies?” I suggest.
“Have Jenny call me. Tonight, if possible. We need to talk.”
“Yeah, not happening. You see, my beautiful woman is all nice and soft and warm after what can only be described as ‘a good fucking,’ and I’ll be damned if you ruin that. She’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Okay, sure. Just thought she might want to know that I’m terminating her and taking control of her company. But if she’s too lazy to take my ca?—”
“What did you say?” I sneer.
“No disrespect. Some men are happy to be the one who does all the work.”
I feel my blood pressure skyrocket. If this motherfucker was in front of me, I’d pound his face in, but he’s not, and I need to find out what bullshit he’s spewing so I can protect Jenny. “Stop with the fucking games and tell me what the hell you’re talking about.”
“I wanted to tell her myself, but maybe it’s better this way.” He sighs dramatically, and I roll my eyes, growing impatient with his games. “When I told Jenny she needed an investor and I had some money I needed to find a home for, she was all too happy to sign documents making me the majority interest holder. It’s well within my rights to push Jenny out if she violates our operating agreement, which she has by shacking up with you after only knowing you for five seconds. Effective immediately, she’s no longer a part of this company.”
“You wouldn’t,” I say as I wonder if this is even possible. If the company was public and he was a major shareholder, probably, but I.C.B.I.J. is private. It’s too small and new to go public.
“Oh, I would. Jenny is mine. She needed to break up with me and follow this stupid little dream, but that’s all I Can’t Believe It’s Not Jizz is—” he says the name of the company like it’s gum under his shoes, “and once she sees that, she’ll back in my bed.”
“Why the hell would you do that to her?”
“Because I can.”
“If you think killing her dream will get her back, you’re a fucking idiot.”
“I know it won’t, but I don’t think it’ll get that far. When she finds out she has to choose between some nobody she’s known for three minutes or her dreams, she’ll make the right choice. Then, once she gets some separation, she’ll realize you were just a distraction and that I was by her side, supporting her the whole time.”
“Still doesn’t make sense because she might’ve stayed with you if you’d been supportive in the first place.”
“I can’t be in a relationship with someone who owns a spunk company. Do you even know who I am? I’d be laughed out of my community, and my clients wouldn’t trust me. It’s disgraceful.”
Everything clicks into place, and I can’t believe the man is this diabolical. “You’ll still kill her company; you’ll just make it look like she failed.”
“Exactly. Don’t bother telling her about this because if you do?—”
“Yeah, I get it. You’ll remove her from I.C.B.I.N.J.”
“Now you’re understanding.” The condescension drips from his words as if I didn’t build a successful business myself. “So just tell her I called, please.”
I end the call and tuck her phone back in her purse before dragging my feet back up the stairs, not wanting to be the one to break the news to her. She deserves some warning about what’s about to happen so she can think about how she wants to respond. Fuck, just thinking about the crushed look on her face once she learns of Daniel’s deception makes me sick to my stomach.