?. . .?
“There is so muchwrong with what you just said, I don’t even know where to start.” I pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to decide if this man is certifiable or serious.
“You can start by moving in with me. I have a three-car garage, and I only use one space. The rest can be for your business and your car.”
“No. Just no.”
“Why not?”
“Maybe because we just met?”
“Take that part out of the equation,” he gathers me in his arms, “and follow your instincts. What does your heart tell you to do?”
The truth is, my heart, my gut, and my cooter all scream to pack up this pathetic apartment and trust Eaton. But I’ve been wrong before, and I don’t really trust myself. At least not yet.
“I’m sorry, Eaton. I have to let my head take the lead on this one.”
I expect him to argue or at least look disappointed, but a cheeky grin appears on his handsome face before he releases me. “We’ll see.”
“We already saw. I said no. At least not until we’ve been on some dates, gotten to know each other better.”
“Sure,” he says dismissively, irritating the hell out of me. I made my choice, and I can’t be persuaded. “Where’s your bedroom?”
“Down that way. There’s a path between the boxes.” I point in the direction, and he turns to find it. “Wait. I didn’t say you could go in there.”
“Then you better come stop me.”
What is he doing? And why won’t he listen to me? My temper flares to life, and my cheeks heat for an entirely different reason. If this man thinks he can barge into my life and make decisions for me, he’s wrong. He has no idea who he’s dealing with. I may not have the best track record with men, but I’ve learned a lot in my thirty years of life, and I won’t allow anyone to walk all over me like this.
I stomp down the narrow path leading to my room, noting that I can barely pass through anymore. Every inch of available space is used for I.C.B.I.N.J., as I lovingly call it, because the full name is quite the mouthful, and honestly, I don’t mind seeing my free space shrink. My business is my life, but I look forward to the day I can afford a bigger space.
Scathing words are on the tip of my tongue, ready to spew at Eaton, but when I find him on my bed in all his naked glory, I freeze. A man like him should be carved into stone so people can admire him long after he’s gone. He’s gorgeous in an unattainable way, the kind of guy you see on the streets and drool over but know you could never get.
“Lose the dress, Baby Cakes.” Laid out on my pale pink comforter covered in dainty strawberries, he radiates raw masculinity. With one arm stretched confidently over his head and the other resting on his hip, he fists his throbbing member, lazily stroking himself as he savors every sensation.
I was angry when I walked in here, though I can’t remember why. Even if I did, my mouth has gone dry and I couldn’t speak if I wanted to. His cock is veined and large, with a prominent ridge going down the underside. The spongy mushroom head has a deep slit, and god, it’ll look beautiful when his rich, milky cum is shooting from it.
He’s already seen most of my body under unforgiving fluorescent light, so I feel confident as I lift the fabric up and over my head under the dim, warm glow from my lamp. Tossing it to the side, I walk over to the bed, trying not to fret over the jiggle of my thighs or the way my pooch moves with each step. I love my body and under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t think twice about showing it off, but Eaton Beavers is not a normal circumstance. He’s the most perfect specimen of man to ever exist.
“Goddamn, Baby. You’re so beautiful it hurts to look at you.” His eyes are hooded as he takes in every inch of me. I’d think he was blowing smoke up my ass if lust wasn’t so clearly written all over his face. “Come here.”
I climb on the bed and straddle his hips, groaning as his cock nestles perfectly between my lower lips, making contact with my little bundle of nerves. Why does this feel like home? I’ve never felt more calm or comfortable than I do right here with Eaton. And I’m not talking about us being naked and our privates making nice. I’m talking about the peace in my heart and soul that I’ve felt since we’ve been together.
He rubs his hands up and down my thighs. “I love that you’re so soft. I know that’s probably wrong to say, but it’s the truth. If you decided tomorrow that you wanted to lift weights and become a bodybuilder, I’d fully support you. But it’s the way you look right now that I’d be fantasizing about each time we fucked.”
“You’re just saying that.”
He sits upright and cradles my face in his palms. My breasts flatten against his hard chest, sending shockwaves through my core. “I’m not.”
There’s nothing but honest-to-God truth in his eyes, and my heart swells. “You don’t have to worry about me becoming a body builder. I try to eat healthy, except for weekends when I splurge. I walk a few miles every day to get my steps in, but I have no desire to do any more than that. Especially since my doctor tells me how healthy I am each year.”
“Good. I want to grow old with you.”
I push him back down. “Right now, there’s only one thing I’m interested in watching grow.”
“Oh yeah?”