Page 18 of Bouncy

I slam the book closed, my cheeks burning at the image printed inside. I’ve never been one to look at porn, and the picture is extremely explicit. I’ve never been tempted to look at the Karma Sutra, but I’m sure this image could rival it.

Plus, I technically haven’t gotten my man into my pants, he’s just gotten me out of mine. It’s probably safe to save that chapter for another day. I tuck it in my purse, shoving my hand lotion and bag of candies on top to shield the content from any lurkers.

A vase of flowers is set on the counter, and I lift my eyes to meet Callum’s. Smiling, I try to contain my excitement.

“Flowers…. for my little flower,” he whispers the last part and my cheeks flame. He chuckles, studying my blush before he shakes his head. “Beautiful.”

I grab the vase, turning it to inspect the bouquet and set it near my computer. “Thank you. No one’s gotten me flowers before.”

Something dark flashes in his eyes, and his grin turns a little feral. My breath stalls before he blinks and his expression falls into a familiar stoic one. “Dinner again at my place?”

I nod, smiling down at my gift. I try to ignore the feelings gathering in my heart at his gesture. It’s been a few days since he tasted me on the gym mats, and I have been too scared to ask what he's been doing the past couple of nights. It isn’t like he’s changed his stance on keeping this a casual thing as far as I’m aware.

Callum taps his knuckles on the counter and clears his throat. He nods towards the mats in the corner.

“I’m gonna grab a quick session. Yell if you need anything, okay?”

He doesn’t wait for my reply and I watch him as he sets up his area before grabbing his rope. Heat fills the cave between my legs, and I rub my thighs. He’s wearing light gray basketball shorts today, and I have an inkling it’s to put on a show for me.

Callum takes off his shirt, winking at me as he tosses it aside. He rolls his shoulders and stretches his arms across his chest. His muscles bulge and flex as he moves. I let out a small whine when he grabs the jump rope, and I glance around me. It’s later in the afternoon, and this is usually when we hit another lull of members. The small period after lunch but before rush hour.

He rolls his shorts up, so the seam of the legs is higher, and my breathing stalls. It gives me a more than perfect visual of the jumbo vine dangling between his legs. He rolls his shoulders and then winks at me.

His feet skip back and forth as he starts jumping in place. My mouth falls open as I stare at his genitalia.





That elephant trunk swings, pulling the fabric of his shorts higher with each bounce up. But it’s different now because I know how large that girthy tube is when it’s hard. I know what it feels like in my mouth. I know what it looks like when it’s spraying me with its contents.

I fan my face, trying to calm down from the titillation of seeing him bounce my favorite part of him. Lifting my eyes to his, Callum’s heated stare is already locked on me. He stops jumping and nods his head to come to him. I swallow, looking around the empty gym before hurrying to him.

He’s already pushing his shorts down as my knees land on the floor and his mushroom head is poking at my lips. And all I can think about is how I would do this for him every day of my life if I could.