Page 24 of Bouncy

“Ugh, this is different. It’s like bodily functions,” I try to explain.

Callum nods slowly. “Yes, I’ve heard if you shave that your farts can get louder. That’s normal.”

My stomach turns with embarrassment.“What! No, that’s—I didn’t fart last night.”

His head tilts, looking at me in confusion. “I know you didn’t, Acacia. It’s called queefing. I just assumed that’s what you were going to talk about.”

“Oh my god. This is worse than anything I could have imagined.” I groan, rubbing my hands down my face and sinking lower into the cushions.

I hear his footsteps as he walks towards me, then Callum sits on the other end of the couch, pulling my legs onto his lap. His thumb rubs at my calves and I peek at him through my fingers.

“Tell me,” he says softly.

Sighing, I drop my head against the arm of the couch and stare up at the ceiling. “I was going to say I had a lot of discharge on my panties today. I think it's because of the missing hair.”

Callum blinks, staring at me blankly for a moment before he smirks. “Or it could be my gentlemen’s relish I stuffed you full of.”

“Oh!” I giggle. “I didn’t think about that.”

His fingers squeeze my leg and I shift my foot, feeling the growing tent underneath. I lick my lips, fluttering my eyelashes as I look up at him.

He growls, the frenzied heat in his stare making my fanny throb. “Do you want to play a game?”

My eyebrows knit together. “Sure?”

Callum grins. “Alright, get on your knees on the floor.”

The air in my lungs stalls, but excitement pumps in my heart. I scramble off the couch and kneel in front of him. He stands before me and shoves his sweats down, stroking his womb cannon even larger. I reach out to grab it but he clicks his tongue at me, so I drop them back onto my lap.

“Here’s the rules: you get three wishes, and I’ll grant them.”

I smile. “What? You’re just giving me three wishes?”

“I didn’t tell you what you have to do to get those wishes,” he says and I glance back down to his rigid sausage.

“How do I get those wishes?”

His hand strokes again, the purple crown leaking a drop. “My balls contain the magic we need to grow our family. We’re going to thank them. For every wish you want me to grant, you have to rub them in gratitude with your soft, beautiful face until they spew their population paste all over it.”

I rub my thighs together, my copious essences dripping into my panties. “Okay,” I say, looking down at the wrinkly balloons. Reaching a hand out, I touch them tentatively and smile when I realize how soft they are.

“What’s your first wish?” he asks, flipping his steel rod to rest against his chiseled abs.

Leaning forward, I rub my cheek against his family jewels and breath in the scent of his manly musk. His pubic hairs tickle my nose, and I tilt my head back to look up at him. “I wish to be your girlfriend.”

“You already are, my sweet flower,” he breathes out as I burrow closer into the warmth of the soft ridged orbs. His hold on his willy slips, causing the elongated meaty limb to rest on my head. “Try a different wish.”

My heart skips a beat, and I lick at my lips. Callum groans when the tiny wet tip of my tongue brushes against his fun bags. “Okay, then I wish to be your wife.”

“Done,” he says immediately. I burrow my face closer and suck a tiny part of the skin into my mouth. The sword that’s already in position to anoint me throbs once.

“I wish to move in with you.”

Callum moans as I suck the entire testicle into my mouth, enjoying the heft and feel of it. “Yes, Pookie. What’s your last wish?”

Letting the plump man egg drop from my lips, I rub my saliva into my cheek and pant. “I want you to breed me again tonight.”

Callum steps back, his manhood skidding against my face and then he drops onto the couch. “Birthday suit on right now and then slide down my pole.”