He keeps it close to his chest. “Perhaps we should wait until after the appointment.”
I roll my eyes and cross my arms to watch her pout. Cami’s bottom lip pushes out and her eyes water right on time.
“No, I want to see it. Please.”
Mike looks at me, as if pleading for me to help him, but I remain quiet and amused.
“It’s not a big deal, darling. Just something I thought you would like,” he says, trying again to get us back into the appointment.
“Just let her open it,” I drawl out.
She claps excitedly as Mike holds out the gift for her to take. Cami rummages through the paper and pulls out a folded mass.
I groan. “Is that another fucking apron?”
Cami laughs, shaking it out as Mike takes the empty bag from her. “Oh my god. I love it.”
It’s another light blue color, and it has a giant roll looking pastry on the middle section and the words Bun in the Oven scrawled across the top. It’s ridiculously cheesy, but definitely very Cami.
She wraps her arms around Mike, kissing him fully on the lips as I look away.
“Alright. Let’s go back inside, lovebirds,” I say, giving them my back as I walk to the office. Cami comes up to me in the next second, her fingers tangling with mine.
“I love you,” she whispers. I squeeze her hand.
Cami pulls up her shirt, baring her taut stomach to the room. I can’t wait for the day it curves with the baby.
The tech smears the gel on Cami’s belly, stepping closer to the bed with the wand of the ultrasound machine. She glances up at us standing on the other side of Cami.
“Which one of you is Dad?” the tech asks, turning back to the large machine attached to the wand.
Mike and I exchange a glance, and I clear my throat. “Uhh. We both are.”
His body sags next to me and he exhales loudly. Cami’s eyes water as she looks up at us. She sticks her hand out and Mike grasps it.
The tech doesn’t comment further and keeps her attention on the screen, moving around on Cami’s stomach with the other hand. Finally, she smiles.
“There we go. There’s your baby.” She points at the monitor, and my heart skips a beat at the small image. It’s like a tiny bean in a big black sack, but I already love it more than I thought possible.
“Fuck,” I breathe out, rubbing at the ache in my chest.
Mike claps a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently. “Feel real now?”
I smile. “Feels like we need to decorate the nursery.”
Cami laughs. “I think I have the most perfect shade of green,” she says, staring straight into my eyes.
Dropping the bottle in the hot water, I turn the timer to two minutes. Eliza lets out another sharp cry and I glance over at her in the crib. She’s not a big fan of it or her bassinet. Actually, she only ever wants to sleep on one of our chests.
I walk over and scoop her up, pressing kisses on her face as I breathe in that baby smell. “I know, you’re hungry. The bottle is warming up, sweetheart.”
Her small body is scrunched up in the tiny newborn gown and I cuddle her to me as I grab a diaper and wipes. A shifting shadow draws my attention to the door and my eyes lift to meet Devon’s.
“She wake you up?” I ask, moving to the changing table. My daughter whimpers as I set her on the pad and I shush her, assuring her I’ll be fast.