Pulling the pancakes off the griddle, I slide them on a plate and pour another set as Devon takes a step back.
“Did you want anything else for your breakfast? I picked up some eggs and sausage.”
Devon lets out a hollow laugh, and I lift my eyes to his. He shakes his head and rubs a hand down his face. “I’m losing my mind.”
“Or maybe you refuse to see what else we could be. It may not be what you imagined, but life rarely goes the way you want.”
I face him fully, folding my arms across my chest. “Was last night really that bad? Because I feel like if you were thoroughly disgusted you would have left, but you fucked me harder than ever before,” I say, asking genuinely.
“I was hoping he would leave.” Devon squints his eyes at me, frowning.
Raising an eyebrow, I slide the plate of pancakes closer to him. “You know what I think?”
“What?” Devon asks.
“I think you got off on taunting my husband while you fucked me. The same way you got off at taunting me for how wet I always was for you over the phone. I think that’s your thing, but you’re being too stubborn to recognize it.”
“My thing?” he says with disdain.
I nod, pulling my bottom lip into my mouth as I turn and grab the syrup from the pantry. Placing it next to his plate, I stare at him, repeating my questions. “Was it really that bad? Does the thought of doing it again really disgust you?”
He grabs the pancakes, tossing me a steely look and then walks off to his room. I’m left in the empty, silent kitchen as lost as I was before the conversation.
Mike and Devon stare at each other, seated in the chairs opposite one another. I shift in my seat, my gaze bouncing between them. The only consolation is that they don’t seem angry.
Clearing my throat, I tap the table with my nails. “I know it’s selfish of me, but I don’t want to choose between either of you.”
Devon breaks the stare first. His green eyes bore into mine with a hint of sadness. I swallow, pushing the guilt down, and continue. “I love you both for different reasons. And you each bring out the best parts of me that the other doesn’t. I know it’s not fair to ask, but if there’s any way we can make this work…”
I let the sentence trail off, and blink away the tears away. I wouldn’t be surprised if they both left, even if they promised me that neither was going to walk away.
“A part of me always knew that I didn’t own all of Cami’s heart,” Mike starts, sitting straighter in his chair. “And I think over time I’ve grown to accept that, however that may come.”
“You’re okay with someone else fucking your wife?” Devon scoffs, rolling his shoulders before crossing his arms. “Because I don’t want to watch you stick your dick in her.”
“Then don’t watch,” Mike snaps back, then sighs. “I actually don’t mind watching you because it’s not you I care about. It’s her. I enjoy seeing her pleasure as you fuck her.”
“We could set up boundaries,” I say, hopeful at the turn of the conversation. “Individual times, and whatever else you guys want.”
“What if I want to marry you? Give you my last name instead?” Devon throws out, the ire in his glare determined for this to not work.
Mike’s eyes lift to mine, searching for something before he shakes his head. “Then we can get divorced. Look, Devon…” He runs a tired hand over his face before continuing, “I’m not your enemy. I love Cami, and I’m willing to do anything for her. And if you’re not, then maybe you don’t love her as much as you say you do.”
My breath stalls, hurt at his accusation. But a strange relief washes over me because I’ve been having the same selfish thoughts.
Devon stands up and the chair shoots back at his sudden movement. “Are you fucking kidding me? I murdered someone for her. Who the fuck are you to tell me I don’t love her?”
Mike stands, putting them at a near equal height. “And you lord it over her as if she owes you for it. As if she must now sacrifice everything because of your actions. It was your choice to do what you did, but you demand she show her appreciation for it time and time again…”
Devon’s chest heaves, his fist clenching. Then he jerks back, his stare falling to the floor and his eyebrows furrowing. My heart aches to comfort him, but I’m frozen to my seat.
“I—No.” Devon shakes his head, squeezing his eyes shut. His throat bobs as he swallows harshly, then he turns to face me with a hollow expression.
“I love you,” I say. My words are shaky as emotion closes my throat. While Mike’s words were true, I didn’t mind Devon’s demand. I want to please him, to show him how much I appreciate everything he’s done, even if I had wished for a different outcome.
“Cami wants to be with you. And I’ll do what you guys want to make this work, Devon. Because god knows why she still wants me around, but I’m not willing to be pushed out. I’m here for Cami,” Mike says softly. The silence between all of us is tense for a moment.