Page 129 of Tasty Cherry

The screen fills with information. Jessie Styles. Human resources. There’s a long list of security and lock access notes.

“I’m not authorized to change your high-level ID,” Jessie says. “Who is?”

“Hank, Havannah, and Raya.”

Her mouth goes in a tight line.

“I saw Maverick, and he knew about Mila. Who all knows?”

She shakes her head. “This is bad. And Havannah is out.” She sighs. “Couldn’t you have gotten caught on a day the owner isn’t in labor?”

“My priority is Mila. Did you tell her to take today off, too?”

“No. We were trying to figure out what to do with her, given Havannah’s last request was literally to make it like Maverick.”

“Did she go to the barn?” Maybe reception is bad out there.

“No.” Jessie bites her lip.

“Spit it out.”

“Raya came in with the idea so fast that I think she might have already known what she wanted to do.”

I lean forward, both arms on Jessie’s desk. “Where is Mila?”

“She’s been stripped of access to the hotel, other than her room. She’s been sent to work at the Tasty Mango.”

“The deli? She has a degree in hospitality!”

“I know, I know. I figured it would be fine for a couple of days, until Raya calmed down.”

I back away. “Is she still there?”

“I don’t really know. Raya went to tell her.”

“And probably told her not to talk to me. And also cut my access. Is this her way of gunning for my job?”

“I don’t know.”

“What else could she do?” I pace the small office.

“Do you have other secrets?”


“Then you have nothing to worry about.” Jessie comes around the desk. “Go home, Sebastian. Take the rest of the week. Let Mila work at the deli. It won’t kill her, and if anything, it will endear her to Havannah. I’ll deal with Raya. Let us handle it.”

That’s the last thing I want to do.

Arya comes to the door. “She texted.”

“Mila?” I lunge for the phone.

Mila: Worked at Havannah’s deli today. Up to my elbows in pickle juice. Shuttle still hasn’t come for me. Can you pick me up?

A thousand rivers of relief course through me. I don’t care about the hotel as long as Mila is all right.

Me: Absolutely. Be right there.