Page 124 of Tasty Cherry

Me: Just got out of HR. They haven’t decided what to do about us. Jessie said she and Raya would decide. What about Havannah?

Sebastian: She went into labor during our meeting. She’s out of the picture for now.

Me: Oh, no. That’s bad, isn’t it?

Sebastian: It will be okay.

But it’s not okay.

Me: Jessie said you’re not here.

Sebastian: I got sent home to avoid Raya’s wrath.

Me: Can I see you later?

Sebastian: Absolutely.

I sink into a chair. I’m not sure where to go or what to do. I feel like there’s an axe hanging over my head, and any minute it will fall.

Although these meetings ought to be confidential, I don’t know who was with Raya or what they saw. Emily might blab.

If I’ve learned anything from Maverick’s situation, news of this is going to hit any minute, and everyone will be looking at me.

I’m supposed to be with security, but Hank is off today and I’ve been stuck with Wendell, who I dislike.

Sebastian was a break from dealing with him. It feels mean that I have to go back to Wendell. I don’t want to sit in the locked-up room while he makes commentary on all the video screens. It’s been the worst rotation so far.


I jump in my chair.

Raya enters the staff room. “Come along. I’ll be taking you to your new assignment.”

New assignment?

She holds out her hand. “You won’t need your uniform. You can wear the white shirt and black pants for now, but hand over your vest.”

Where am I going that I don’t need a uniform? Even the laundry and kitchen workers wear the black pants and white shirt.

I unfasten the vest, my face flaming because it feels weird, like I’m undressing for her. I pass it over.

“Your ID card will be reconfigured. It will unlock the exterior door that opens at the end of your apartment hall and, of course, your apartment door. And that’s all. You will no longer have access to any elevators or employee corridors.”

“How will I get around?”

She smiles, but it’s forced. “You won’t need to. Like Maverick, you won’t be working inside the castle.”

Maverick got pushed to the barn after he was caught with Chef Monique. The only time I ever see him is if we happen to pass each other in the staff apartment hall.

“Will I be in the barn, too?”

She heads out of the staff room, and I rush to catch up.

“No. You will be working at Havannah’s other business.”

Other business? Does she have a satellite hotel? I haven’t heard about it.

We walk through the lobby to the front door.