Time and I have never been on speaking terms, but now it seems to be moving slowly on purpose. It’s a particular kind of torture, asking me to hold a pose. Especially when I’m alone in the room.
I shift into a different pose, legs spread wider. Handcuffs a little higher.
Maybe he won’t come. Maybe the soldier costume…
Why hadn’t I realized that immediately?
Pissed him off. Maybe Jude told him how I’d endangered her business and he went home to punish me.
Maybe not even two minutes have passed and the chemicals in your brain are misfiring?
No. He’s doing it on purpose.
Something shuffles in the room. I turn toward the sound, but thanks to the blindfold I see nothing. There’s no other sound. I must have imagined it. I would hear the door open when he came in. Even with the nightclub in full swing, that door creaks like hell.
Then the scuff of a boot dragging. If he is here, it’s uncanny how quietly he moves.
I actively resist pulling off the blindfold. This is a test and I’m determined to wait him out. He already has too much power over my mind and imagination.
A hand brushes my hair and he asks, “So, tell me what’s in the pillbox?”
“Jesus Christ, man!”
How had he not only crossed the room, but nosed around in my bathroom without me being certain he was there?
Laur chuckles and puts a hand on the back of my neck. I keep the pose, forehead pressed to the pillows. It’s his left hand, an infinitely comforting grip. “Is it catching or a heart condition?”
“Oh … no. Uh, not like that.” Probably not wise to talk about this in detail yet, but how did I avoid—
“Glad to hear.” His right hand trips over my spine. “So, when I fuck you, it won’t kill you?”
My cock twitches violently from where it’s squeezed between my knees.
“Oh, I forgot.” The humor, the comfort vanishes from his voice. “You only want blowjobs from me, isn’t that right?”
He’s never gonna let that go.
He slaps my ass and commands. “Turn on your back.”
I twist my arms so I can flip over and breathe in the darkness of the blindfold.
He trips his fingers around my nipples. His hand is cold and slightly damp. “Full disclosure. I was already in the apartment.”
“Saw my buddy talking to you in the alley. Seemed like a pretty important conversation, so I kept heading up the stairs and invited myself in.”
Hadn’t I locked the door? Did he know how to pick a lock?
“I figured the fake plant was there for a reason.”
To hide my spare key. Right.
How had I not noticed him? I lived in a studio. I had taken a shower! Where had he been hiding? What had he been doing?