Page 215 of Tell Me Lies

“Because I don’t trust you, and the sudden anxiety you’re showing tells me I’m right not to.”

Her mother sneered. “There’s nothing you need to know about in the will.”

“We’ll see,” Skye said. “Don’t you have a luncheon to get to?”

Her mother looked at her watch. “Yes. Remember, I want you gone by the time I get home.”

“I heard you the first time, Mommy Dearest.” Skye watched her mother’s lips thin, and her face flushed from anger before she turned and walked out of the house.

Skye listened as her car left the driveway before heading up to her bedroom. She knew she had to stay busy, or she’d break down and cry.

She didn’t have much left to pack since she knew this day was coming. She’d been socking away as much money as possible and packing and buying the things she thought she’d need.

Her friend Callie had shown her a small, affordable house she could rent. She called them and told her friends what was going on. They immediately raced over with cars and called a few people with trucks to help her move. The guys took apart the bed and moved it and the other furniture in the room. She also went through the house and took heirlooms and anything else she wanted.

One of the last things she wanted to do was get into the safe in the office. Her mother didn’t know she had the combination. She just had never been curious before to look inside.

Skye took the picture down that hid the wall safe her father had put in. It was only eighteen inches square, but it was really deep.

The first thing she saw was a stack of cash. She counted it out and then divided it in half. There was the jewelry her grandmother had given to her father to hand down to her. Skye was a bit surprised she hadn’t sold it, and it looked to be all there. Next, she went through the papers, and as she hoped, there was a copy of her father’s will. She shoved that into the bag with the rest of the things. Her heart lurched in her chest when she found an envelope with her name on it written in her father’s handwriting. As much as she wanted to tear into it, she needed to get out of there.

Skye caught her friends walking out of the kitchen with bags of food.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Your mom doesn’t eat, so she doesn’t need all this food.”

Skye laughed. “Let’s get out of here.”

Her friends helped move everything into the house she was renting. The women cleaned and moved the furniture around until it fit the room while the guys brought everything in. The house had a small table, two kitchen chairs, and a sofa and chair in the living room. It wasn’t much, but it was all hers.

Everything fell into place. Skye waved at the guys before shutting the door.

She looked around as a smile brightened her complexion. She hadn’t realized how much energy it took to live in a house with her mother.

Callie walked to her and hugged her. “Are you sure you’re all right here alone tonight?”

Skye nodded. “Yes. I promise.”

“Call us if you need anything,” Rachel said.

“I will. Thank you so much.” Skye hugged them one more time before locking the door after they left.

Later, in bed, she realized she was making a life for herself. She was living in a house by herself and had a job she loved. The fact that the bakery would eventually become hers when her boss retired made it even sweeter.

Chapter Ten

Skye sipped her tea as she waited for Leslie to talk.

“I can guarantee he feels something for you.”

“How can you tell?” Skye asked.

“The way he looked at you. It was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. It was like he wanted to possess and eat you up.”

Skye’s eyes widened. “Really?”

“I wouldn’t lie to you, Honey.”