Page 208 of Tell Me Lies

“Yes, you did.”

“Being surprised and disappointed are two different things. I enjoyed fucking you, and it was just … more than any other time.”

She stopped struggling. “So … you liked it?”


Skye relaxed. “Okay.” She waited for his next move, but he stayed still with his head bowed. “Aren’t we done, or is there more?” She hated sounding ignorant, but she wanted to know what to do without making a mistake.


Was she fucking kidding him? He raised his head to look at her. “No, Sugar. We’re not done by a long shot.”

“What comes next?”

“We rest for a minute, and then we go again.” He was as surprised as she looked. It had been years since he’d been able to get another erection after just coming.

He wanted to smile at the confusion on her face.

“I didn’t think that could happen,” she said.

“I didn’t either.” He rolled off her. “I’m going to use the bathroom. Where is it?”

“Out the door and to the left, one door down.”

“When is your mother getting home?” Jared asked.

“It will be after eleven.”

He nodded and walked out of the bedroom. After closing the bathroom door, he turned on the lights. The brightness made it possible for him to see her virgin blood on the condom. He couldn’t explain the feeling of rightness he felt at that moment.

Jared removed the condom and wrapped it in a tissue before dumping it into the trash. After taking a piss, he washed his hands and his face.

The fact that he wanted to get right back on her, and his cock was stiffening, made his thoughts scatter. He needed to take a short break before he went at her again. He wanted to give her something she could think of fondly after he left, and he wanted her to remember him as gentle and caring.

Jared’s body tightened in a surge of lust when he thought about how good it felt to be inside her. He’d never felt anything like it.

He grinned when he walked back into her bedroom and saw her with the covers up to her chin. Oh, hell no. That wouldn’t do at all. He wrestled the blanket from her hands and threw it onto the floor. “You’re not hiding from me.”

Skye screamed. “Jared. Stop it.”

“No. I want to be able to see every inch of this delectable body.”

“You already had an o-orgasm,” she said. “Isn’t that enough?”

“I know, but it’s not close to being enough. I want more.”

He watched her brow pucker as she thought about his comment, and he didn’t want her to balk and try to push him away, so he bent his head forward and kissed her.

This time he fucked her, and it was more leisurely but no less devastating to his system. He was wondering if he’d be able to walk away from her after this. He knew nothing was in town for him, and he didn’t want to work at the packing plant, so he had to move on.

He told himself he’d forget her and just give it some time. He was so wrong.

Chapter Six

Skye looked up when Callie came through the door to the bakery and smiled.

“Hey, girl.”