Page 155 of Tell Me Lies

“Of me.” She swallowed. “Naked.”

“Yes. Naked. Desperate for my cock. A boyfriend has a picture of his hot girlfriend. Nothing suspicious there.” He shrugged.

“But they’re recent. If they looked at the date.”

Ludovico grasped her chin.

“You forget my business, Ragazza.”


Ludovico winked. “Indeed. Now, let’s get something to eat other than pussy. I’m starving.”


The police called her again early the next morning while they were having breakfast. Gigi glanced up at Ludovico, panicking. He shook his head, grasped her phone, and answered.

“Hello?” He nodded. “She’s in the shower.” His jaw clenched. “I am her boyfriend.” He glanced at her, his piercing gaze daring her to say the opposite. “I will tell her.”

He hung up.

“What did they say?” her voice trembled slightly.

“Same thing as last night. They want to speak to you.”

She sunk her fingers in her hair and tugged.

“I can’t lie,” she whispered. “You told me so yourself.”

“Relax, Ragazza. Remember who you’re talking to.”

“Mario Ludovico.”

“Mario Upper Hand Ludovico.” He grinned.

“Do you have a plan?”

He stretched, cracking his knuckles. Focusing his gaze on her, he winked.

“Always, Ragazza.”

For almost three days she didn’t think about the police. Her life revolved around Ludovico. Fucking him. Pleasing him. Trying to get his legal business sorted. There were moments in which she forgot she was his captive. Moments in which they laughed together or sat in comfortable silence working.

The peace was shattered when the police appeared in his office, without warning and demanded to see her. Ludovico’s secretary had escorted them to a meeting room, where they were waiting for her.

“What do I do?” she cried. Her teeth chattered so badly the words came out choppy.

Ludovico grasped her shoulders.

“Look at me,” he demanded. “Everything is going to be all right. You’re going to tell them what we’ve rehearsed. You are my girlfriend. We got into a fight, and you ran off.”

“What were we fighting about?”

Ludovico grinned.

“I wanted you to blow me off in the alley.”

“I can’t tell that to the police,” she cried.