“I have it. You’re not calling anyone.”
“I have friends who will wonder where I am, who will report me missing.”
Pure bravado, he thought. In all the mentions he’d found online, Cecily appeared to be a loner. Maybe the true blue-bloods rejected her as the child of thespians or perhaps she was hated as a conniving gold digger. With her beauty, evident even without cosmetics or fancy garments, he would have thought she could have any lover she wanted.
“Do you? Name them.”
Cecily put down her head after shooting a look his way that would have been fatal if looks could kill. “I can’t. I have social friends but no besties. I remained faithful to Pierre, not because I wanted to but because he kept me practically under lock and key.
He’d called her bluff, but he wasn’t proud or happy about it. “Then you should be used to this life. At least I’m not old and can get it up. Didn’t you fuck the butler or the chauffeur or the chef?”
“They weren’t attractive or maybe I would have.
“Am I?” he asked the question before he thought.
Her sigh echoed through the room as she nodded. “You know you are. I imagine you’re one vain son of a bitch.”
The words from Carly Simon’s best-known hit floated through his mind and he laughed. He did know women found him handsome, but her admission delighted him. “Why not? I might as well admit what’s obvious.”
Her eyes rolled at that. “Then can I watch television? There doesn’t seem to be anything else to do.”
Fuck, he thought, there’s always that.
“The remote should be on the shelf beneath it. Help yourself to any of the movies.”
Javier kept one eye focused in her direction. He suspected she might try to bolt instead of watching some sit-com rerun or the news.
After loading the dishwasher with their plates, the pan he used, and their utensils, Javier got his laptop and sat at the table. He had ordered his own clothing and had it brought to him before, so he found the website.
“What’s your size?” Once she provided it, he selected two pairs of jeans, six blouses, a pair of slacks, khakis, three casual dresses, socks, underwear and bras, simple loafers, and some athletic shoes. He chose a sweater, a light jacket, a nightgown, and a pair of pajamas. He didn’t consult her for colors or shades, but he also picked out cosmetics and some of the perfume she wore.
Then Javier added a few things for himself and some luggage since it was certain they would travel. He just didn’t know where.
It didn’t take long but he paid the amount without caring how much it was. Across the room, feet tucked beneath her, Cecily watched some chick flick. For a woman in her situation, held hostage by a man she’d watched shoot someone else, he thought she appeared calm. I must have scratched her itch until she’s satisfied.
Without warning, she came to her feet, glanced his way, and started toward the door. Aware that his locks would confuse her because they were far from simple, Javier watched. He said nothing until she touched the doorknob.
“Sit back down. You’re not going anywhere.”
“I could walk back to my place. I’m not afraid.”
His eyes honed in on her bare feet. “Without shoes? Even you can’t be dumb enough to try that.”
Cecily glared at him, tried to twist the door open one more time, then sat back down.
With her half-hearted escape attempt thwarted, he changed websites, ordered two of the finest steaks, a couple of large baking potatoes, the fixings for a decent salad, and his favorite dressing from a grocery service he often utilized. He shut the laptop, stuck it back into the bag, and sat down beside her.
“The store will deliver some things for you by six this evening. I ordered some groceries, and they’ll arrive long before that. I hope you like steak.”
She shrugged. “I’ll eat it if you don’t burn it. I don’t have many options, do I?”
Javier considered turning her over his knee like a misbehaving child and spanking her. The idea stiffened his dick, but he didn’t do it. Once the first delivery arrived, though, he intended to haul her into the bedroom for another round of sex. The first had been awesome and he almost hoped it wasn’t as good. The last thing he needed would be to get attached to this gold-digging woman. Although she had money, if she had any idea how much he had, she would want to marry him. That wasn’t going to happen in this lifetime, not to him. Javier ignored the feelings she stirred in him. For a brief second, he imagined having her as his wife, then pushed the thought away.
To hush her, he kissed her. In his too-large-for-her garments, without makeup, and hair pulled back in a simple ponytail, she looked very young. Javier found her prettier that way. Despite her sharp wit and defense mode, Cecily returned the kiss. Her arms slid around his neck, and he shivered with anticipation. He liked sex and was fond of women, but he’d never had one who affected him this way. Last night he took her rough and hard, but she hadn’t complained. Now Javier wanted to use a slow hand, to cherish her and to love her. He didn’t want basic sex. He ached to make love. If he didn’t stop now, he would take her again, but the grocery delivery would be here within the hour.
“I don’t want any interruptions,” he said when he pulled back. “We’ll get back to this, I promise.”
The moment the steaks and other items were put away, with a boner he couldn’t deny pushing at the crotch of his pants, Javier turned off the TV and offered Cecily his hand. The unspoken invitation was obvious, especially when her gaze dropped to his erection.