Page 92 of The Prey

Heat from the leather seat envelopes my legs and bare butt after he presses another button on the console. “Mmm, now that is way nicer than a little heat. I think I can finally feel my toes.” I flex them in my shoes, the feeling slowly returning.

I sink into the seat and cover myself more fully with the suit jacket.

Sebastian peers over at me, his gaze filled with possession. “I hope you know that tonight changes everything. I tried to stop, tried to fight against the inevitable, but I can’t keep fighting against something we both want. You gave yourself to me, and that means you belong to me, and not just in the sense of being my property, Elyse. I mean physically, emotionally, mentally.”

I can’t even put into words how that makes me feel. It’s hard not to have doubt when you’ve lived a life like I have. I'm happy to know he doesn’t just plan to toss me away.

“I don’t want to be anyone else's, so I’m happy to hear that.”

“Good,” he replies gruffly, returning his attention to the road. His hands tighten around the steering wheel, and it looks like he’s trying to strangle it.

“Are you okay?” I whisper.

“Yes, just trying to control my emotions. I’m fighting with myself right now because I want to fuck you until I’m under your skin and in your blood, but that’s not really what you need right now so…”

Why does that make me shiver, my nipples hardening to the point of pain? A tiny gasp escapes me at the sensation, and he continues speaking.

“You have no idea how hard I’ve fought against myself in the last couple of months. How much I tried to tell myself that I can’t have you, that I can’t let my darkness touch you. Now, the dam's broken, and that one little taste has done nothing to subdue the need. It makes me crave you more. I need to unleash myself on you, claim you, mark you, fuck you.”

“Is there something wrong with me?” I ask, mainly myself.

He lets out a dark chuckle. “Did you not hear what I just said?” Shaking his head, he continues, “And you ask me if there’s something wrong with you?”

I smile. “Yes, only because I want that, too. I want you. I’ve never wanted anything in my life like I want you, and I’m afraid of that feeling. Afraid that it might end before it can begin.”

The car slows, and the gate opens as we turn onto the road.

“It won’t. No one is taking you from me, and if anyone is stupid enough to try, I’ll kill them.” The conviction in his voice should terrify me, along with the ownership he’s claiming on me, but it doesn’t. In fact, it has the opposite effect, and that’s almost just as terrifying.

He drives the car up the driveway, stopping at the entrance of the house.

“You don't want to take the car to the garage?” I sit forward and wrap the jacket around my back so I can slip my arms in the sleeves.

I’m hit with a wave of anxiety then, the thought of any other staff seeing my bare ass, or hell any of them seeing me with Sebastian in this condition at all. I don’t need rumors being spread about me.

Soothing some of the worry, he puts the car in park and tells me, “Anyone who sees us and or says a word will suffer the consequences.” He’s out of the car before I can reply, and he wraps me up in his arms, carrying me into the house. I press my face against his chest, so I don’t have to see if anyone notices us. If I don’t know, then it won’t matter.

We make it to the bedroom in seconds, and using his foot, Sebastian kicks the door closed. The sound of the lock being turned in place echoes through my ears.

And somehow this all suddenly became even more real.

What happens now? I glance at the bed as we pass by it and head into the bathroom.

The overhead lights are bright, and I blink a few times to adjust my eyes. Once my eyes adjust I see the dirt caked under my nails, the scratches, and bruises that dot my skin, hidden under the jacket. He places me on the edge of the counter and then pulls away to turn the shower on.

A shower sounds amazing right now. “I can help. I'm not dying or anything.”

“I’m aware, but I want to take care of you. So let me.”

Turning away, he starts the bath, the tub filling with water. When his gaze returns to me, I feel the heat in it, the flames of desire flicking against my skin.

What would it be like to let him burn me to ash?

“Stop looking at me like that, or I’ll have to bend you over and fuck you again,” he snaps, the warning in his tone making my core clench.

“I’m not looking at you like anything,” I lie, my cheeks heating, giving me away.

“Yes, you are, Little Prey. You’re looking at me like you want me to fuck you until there’s no way to tell where you begin and I end. I would love nothing more than to do that right fucking now, but I can’t be selfish with you. I have a duty to care for you, to ensure you're clean and content. And fucking you would go against that, especially knowing how sore you’re going to be, so please…don’t look at me like that right now because I’m barely controlling myself.”