Page 34 of Mafia Baby

“What time is it?” I ask Dom as he walks past the bed later on.

“About nine.”

“In the morning.”

“Yes, Sleeping Beauty, in the morning.”

This loft is like a casino in that I can barely tell what time of day it is outside. But we’ve also just spent the last twenty-five hours naked and fucking every chance we got. I’m dehydrated, a bit sticky, and looking at my breasts and arms, bruised.

I lay back in the bed and smile. I can’t remember when, if ever, I was fucked this hard, or for this long, with as many orgasms as I managed to fit into one weekend.

For the whole day yesterday, I didn’t even have time to think about anything else. It was just Dom… Those blue eyes. His smell. The way his hands felt on my skin.

“Dom,” I say to him drowsily. “I need a job.”

I hear him snort from the kitchen where he’s making himself some food. “You don’t need a job. You’re rich.”

I roll my eyes. “I want to move out of my parent’s house and have my own place. Honestly, I don’t even want to go back there again.”

He’s silent for a moment as he focuses on cooking. “You want me to help you get a job?” he asks.

“Yes,” I say back.

He sighs. “Well, I do need office help at the club. But I hate having you there. It’s not safe for you to be surrounded by so many strangers.”

I sit up in bed eagerly. “But I’d be with you every day, right? How much safer could I be?”

He shakes his head, but he’s smiling. “Why can’t I say no to you?” he says. “Fine. Come with me tonight when I go to work and see if the work suits you.”

I cheer and flop back onto the bed.

“What are you going to do about clothes?” he asks me.

I frown, then I remember that I have my credit card with me. “I’ll get some clothes today if you can take me to a store. I have my credit card. My dad can look at it like a parting gift to me now that I’m on my own.”

Dom shakes his head again, but I can tell he isn’t saying no to my plan. “Fine, but don’t be surprised when your parents aren’t happy about you staying with me and also working for me.”

“Screw them,” I say, and for once, I mean it.

I’m going to stand on my own two feet, even if it’s hard and scary. I owe my baby that much, at least.

Chapter Thirteen


The bar that Will has asked to meet at is all the way on the other side of town.

Part of me wants to cancel. I know that he wants to meet me to ask why Gianna is staying with me and working at my club. But I know that if I don’t have this conversation with him now, I’m just going to have to have it in the future.

“Been a while.” I pat Will on the back and sit down next to him.

“Yeah, apparently, you’ve been busy.” William is halfway through his drink, but from the smell of him, I guess that he’s about three drinks in already.

“Work’s been a lot lately. What about you?”

“Me? I’ve just been handling my little sister being harassed by a professional killer.” I’m shocked by his words.

“Will, what the fuck are you talking about? Harassed? Is that What Gianna told you?” Trying hard not to laugh at his absurdity, I look down at my drink.