Page 30 of Mafia Baby


Our maid is maneuvering herself around me as I’m slumped over the kitchen counter, regretting my decisions from last night.

My head is pounding with fatigue, I’ve thrown up three more times since the unfortunate incident with Dom’s shoes, and I can’t even get my coffee down.

Is my whole pregnancy going to be like this?

“Gianna, you look terrible.” My mother comes in, grabbing some herbal tea and looking much fresher than me.

“Thanks, Mom.” I smile at her.

“What are you doing today?” she asks me.

“I have a meeting at the teen center a little later, and then I’m going to go get a few Chicago-worthy clothes.”

“Oh, fantastic. Why don’t you get your hair and nails done too, Darling? My treat.”

“Uh, okay. Yeah, sure.” I look down at my hands.

My nails haven’t been done in a few months, although I painted them for my birthday. Today is a good day for some pampering. And it’ll help me not bug Dom.

I think about asking my mom to join me, but she’s already on her phone talking to a friend. It makes my heart hurt a little that we’ve grown so far apart.

Since I got home, Dom is the only person who has made me feel like my presence matters. What does that say about my family?

I think about the fact that I don’t have a job and ponder for the millionth time how I’m going to get enough money together to move out.

“Gianna, tonight we’re having a family dinner, please. I’ve let your brother know as well. Seven-o-clock?” My mother stops at the kitchen door and looks at me with pleading eyes. I smile at her.

“Sure, Mom. I’ll be home anyway.”


“You’re dressed up for dinner.” William looks up with a green bean poised right in front of his lips.

I’m not used to sitting down for dinner as a family, so being ten minutes late, even though I’ve been in the house all afternoon, hasn’t annoyed any of them.

“Just wearing normal clothes,” I reply, looking down at the maxi dress I’ve been wearing all day. I like the way it shows off my cleavage, but it’s not exactly anything special.

I honestly chose it because I’ve already started to gain a little weight and some of my clothing is feeling a little tight already. I’m worried about how long I’m going to be able to hide this pregnancy from my family.

I do have sparkling new nails, though, and I made myself look a bit girly when I left the house in an effort to feel more positive about my situation.

“With makeup?” Will raises an eyebrow and chews down on the green bean. My brother has never taken such an interest in what I’m wearing before.

“Should I go shower before I eat?” I ask sarcastically, sitting down and starting to dish up. There’s no way in hell that I’m actually going to go shower. I’m starving.

“No, I was just wondering if you were going somewhere after — to see Dominic maybe?” I look up at my brother and realize what he’s doing.

This twenty-five-year-old man feels the need to stir up chaos simply because he’s feeling upset about the situation. I sigh, knowing that questions will be shooting from my parents’ mouths at any moment.

“Why would she go to see Dominic?” My mother is suddenly very invested in our conversation. I look at my mother, then back at Will, unsure of exactly how to handle this.

I could lie. Or I could just tell them the truth and get it over with.

“Dominic Santoro?” My father joins in.

“Gianna and Dom seem to have been chatting quite a bit lately,” Will explains.