“Oh, yeah. Some really pretty earrings. Sweet of him. He just seems so different from your other friends.” I try to keep my tone light so that Will doesn’t realize I’m asking for selfish reasons. But my brother matches my intelligence perfectly and I know he’s going to see right through me.
“He is different. Gi, he’s not the type of person that Mom and Dad would typically allow in here, never mind invite to your party, but Dom has proven his worth to this family.”
“Okay, that’s good. Do I want to ask how?”
“No. But he did buy a house from Dad last year.”
“Oh, cool. So, he has money.”
“We didn’t speak much, but the time I spent with him wasn’t terrible. He seems like a good guy…”
“He’s not. Gianna, let me be clear. Dom is a friend, and we’ve gotten close to him. But his name on the streets is Reaper. Think about that for a minute…”
I stare at my brother, his words sinking in. “Reaper as in…the grim reaper?”
“Yes.” William’s expression is dead serious, and I can tell he’s concerned. “I saw you talking to him and smiling. I spoke to him afterwards, and I want you to understand, that not only is he too old for you, he’s also not the kind of person you should be seen with.”
“Okay.” I pull my cardigan around my shoulders and sip on my coffee.
I’m surprised by William’s reaction, but this news about Dom makes a lot more sense, taking his image into account. Last night before he left, I got a better look at just one of his arm tattoos—it was a terrifying skull with a scythe piercing out of the eye.
I almost wish that he hadn’t kissed me now because all that did was leave me wanting more of him.
Lying on my stomach, I pull up my laptop from the bottom of my bed and open my browser.
My whole day was spent looking at job options with my mother. She’s convinced that I should go into hospitality, since that’s what she did when she left college, but my father wants me to use my business degree for something that feels more worthy to him.
I, on the other hand, have no clue what I want to do.
I thought about studying further, but more than anything, I want my own home as soon as possible. Starting a business might be the wisest move to meet that goal.
For now, we’ve decided I’ll start volunteering at the center for troubled teens. It’s always been a passion of mine, and they finally have a spot open for me. Or my father convinced them to open a spot for me.
Either way, I’m taking the opportunity. I get to teach the kids some finance and business skills, hopefully helping them bring in some income to better their situations.
With some of my future sorted, my mind is gravitating back to the burning sensation left on my lips after Dom kissed me.
My talk with Will was shocking, but the more I digest the information, the more I come to the realization that I did have an idea that he wasn’t squeaky clean. And that’s okay. I’m not looking to marry the guy, just to see if fucking him a second time would be as good as the first.
But I need to know more. In my browser I type, “Chicago Reaper”, not sure that I’m going to get any real information. But the internet does not disappoint.
The first three articles are all about the organized crime in Chicago, and a source mentioned a tall man with tattoos that goes by the nickname “Reaper”.
It says he’s responsible for more than fifteen murders in the city. Most of them are seedy businessmen. I see one that I know was a competitor of my father’s a few years ago and my breath catches in my throat.
“Hurry up, Gianna.” My friends whine at me as I pull on my little black dress with lacy sleeves.
“I’m almost ready, okay?” I’ve invited them over to get ready, but they’re more interested in doing shots than looking good at this point.
“Ugh, we’re going to miss the good DJs and get left with the crappy ones.”
I look at them all, realizing that I’ve outgrown this party-crazy crowd. But I appreciate them wanting to take me out tonight. I hurry and throw on shoes, grabbing my bag as we leave.