"Are you sure I'm Chloe?" I asked. I cocked my head at him and did my best to look innocent. A look I was all too good at, as a part of my role as the sweet twin. Thank fuck the words came out sounding normal.
He cocked his head back at me. "Of course I'm sure." He leaned in to speak softly in my ear. "You're the hotter Bell twin."
Heat crept up my face.
Holy shit, did he just say that?
I swallowed again. "I don't know about that."
"I do." His breath brushed my cheek, and the side of my neck like a kiss. If he was trying to ruin my panties, he succeeded. "How are you enjoying Brutham?"
Did I imagine his emphasis on the word enjoy? Either way, my clit tingled harder.
"It's…taking some getting used to," I admitted.
"This is your first time?" he asked. "Being away from home, I meant."
I didn't think he meant that at all, but I nodded and managed to force myself to step back away from him.
Dressed in a dark T-shirt and black jeans, he looked more like a rock star than a history teacher. Ironic, considering his younger brother, Asher, was an actual rock star. If I had to choose between them, I'd choose Dane all day, every day. And all night. Not that someone like him would be interested in me. My sister maybe, but that thought made my blood boil and my stomach churn.
"Yeah, it is. My sister doesn't seem to be having too much trouble fitting in." I couldn't keep the bitterness out of my tone. She could probably click her fingers and he'd come running.
"Sometimes it pays to be discerning and make the right connections." He tucked my hair back behind my ear, leaving a trail of heat where his fingers grazed.
"You know the right connections?" I asked.
Was he implying what he seemed to be implying? I must be dreaming. There was no way someone like Mr D would be interested in me. There were no laws against it, we were both consenting adults, but he was… Him. He must have undergrads throwing their panties at him right and left. Postgrad students too.
"I might," he agreed. "Maybe we can talk about it after class tomorrow. Do you know where my office is?"
Don't squeak, don't squeak.
"I'm sure I can find it."
He smiled. "Good. I look forward to seeing you there." He dropped his hand from where he'd had it lingering beside my head. "Five o'clock. Don't be late."
"What will you do if I am?" I asked without thinking.
Oh shit, did I really say that?
And yet, I didn't regret it. Not exactly. Although, I didn't want to come off looking like some kind of idiot.
His eyebrows twitched. "That depends on how late you are. And how much you enjoy it."
He walked away, leaving me to gape at his back.
Holy fuckballs.
I filled in the blanks and figured out what he wanted from me. At least, what he seemed to want. I didn't object to a fuck, but I was a realist. A fuck was all it would be. Even if he wasn't a professor here at Brutham Academy, and me a university student, he wouldn't be interested in me more than that.
Besides, I knew Dane DiMarco and men like him. His loyalty wasn't with my family, powerful as we were. For all I knew, this meeting was set up by the Brantley brothers to make me look stupid. Or to take my mind off the idea of taking over the family business someday. It was clear whose side they were on—Lila's. They'd do whatever they could to discredit me and get me out of the running.
I was going to have to be careful around them and Mr D. Too much was at stake to let my guard down for a handsome face, even if that came with a rock hard body I wanted to ride.
"You look like someone kicked your puppy." Faith Lockwood finished checking her blonde hair with her phone and looked over at me. She sat beside me in business studies. She was also one of the few friends I had here at Brutham Academy. She looked more like a supermodel than a business major, with long golden hair, green eyes and flawless skin. She wasn't above using her looks to get where she wanted, but she had brains to spare.
I could have hated her, but she was as nice as she was smart, if only to people she liked. If she didn't like them, they were more likely to receive the sharper side of her tongue. She could stab a person right through the heart with it. Faith didn't believe in pulling punches.