Page 74 of Madness

Clothes are shed slowly, reverently, each newly exposed inch of skin explored with fingers and lips. Dakota's body is familiar yet new - more toned from his time on tour, a map I'm eager to rediscover.

When he finally enters me, we both gasp. The feeling of completeness, of coming home, is overwhelming. We move together, finding our rhythm easily, as if we'd never been apart.

"God, I've missed you," Dakota murmurs against my neck, his voice thick with emotion.

I can only nod, too overcome to speak. My fingers dig into his back, pulling him closer, deeper.

Our pace quickens, driven by months of pent-up desire. I feel the tension building, coiling tighter and tighter until, finally, it snaps. I cry out Dakota's name as waves of pleasure wash over me. He follows soon after, his face buried in my hair as he shudders against me.

In the aftermath, we lie tangled together, my head on his chest, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on my back. The world outside fades away, leaving only this moment, only us.

"I love you," Dakota murmurs into my hair.

I tilt my head up to meet his gaze, seeing in his eyes everything I feel reflected back at me. "I love you, too."

As sleep begins to claim me once more, I feel a sense of peace settle over me.

We're home.




When I rouse from sleep, for a moment, I'm disoriented, but then I feel Lauren's warm body pressed against mine, and everything clicks into place. I'm home.

I glance at the clock on the nightstand - 6:15 AM. We need to get up before Roman wakes and realizes I spent the night. As much as I want to stay in this moment forever, I know we need to be careful for Roman's sake.

"Lauren," I whisper, gently stroking her arm. "We should get up."

She stirs, her eyes fluttering open. A slow smile spreads across her face as she sees me, and my heart swells.

"Good morning," she murmurs, leaning in for a soft kiss.

We dress quickly and quietly, stealing glances and shy smiles. It feels like we're teenagers again, sneaking around. But there's an undercurrent of seriousness, too - we both know we need to handle this situation delicately for Roman's sake.

I'm in the kitchen, starting the coffee maker, when I hear the patter of small feet.

"Dakota!" Roman's excited voice rings out. Before I know it, he's launched himself at me, and I scoop him up in a big hug.

"Hey, buddy!" I say, my heart full. "I missed you!"

Lauren appears in the doorway, her eyes soft as she watches us. "Look who came over early to help with breakfast," she says to Roman, smoothly covering for my presence.

Roman's face lights up. "Can we have pancakes? Please?"

I look at Lauren, who nods with a smile. "Pancakes it is," I declare.

The morning unfolds in a whirl of flour, giggles, and sticky syrup. As I flip pancakes and listen to Roman chatter about his daycare adventures, I'm struck by how right this feels. This is what I've been missing, what I've been working so hard for.

After breakfast, we decide to spend the day at the park. Roman runs ahead, his energy seemingly boundless, while Lauren and I walk hand in hand behind him.

"Is this okay?" I ask softly, squeezing her hand. "Me being here, spending the day with you both?"

Lauren looks up at me, her eyes clear and sure. "It's more than okay, Dakota. It's perfect."

We spend hours at the park, pushing Roman on the swings, helping him across the monkey bars, and having a picnic lunch on a sunny patch of grass. As the afternoon wears on, Roman's energy finally starts to flag.