Page 63 of Mayhem

Ibarely have time to register the latest scandal when Brad gets up and heads to the door to leave.

“Let me know if you need me to make a statement or something.”

Jumping up from the chair, I don’t know what I’m doing, but for some reason I don’t want him to go. I run to the door and call after him, halfway to his car already. “Wait, you’re just leaving?”

I’m not feeling a single emotion. I haven’t had a chance to sort any of them out. Too much is happening way too fast.

He stops, his back stiffening, and his shoulders slump as his head lowers before he turns to face me. He’s overcome by sadness, and it’s painful to see.

“I can’t do this,” he says, his arms going limp at his sides. It’s defeat. He’s giving up.

So easily.

“Can’t do what, Brad?” I ask, feeling the ground open beneath my feet, ready to swallow me whole. My heart is finally catching up, and it doesn’t like where this is headed.

“Can’t keep hurting you.” His eyes flash with anger, and I can tell it’s directed at himself. He’s taking the blame for all of this, but I’m starting to see that it’s not his fault. I should have seen it before.


“Tess, please. It’s best for all of us if we just go back to being professionals. I can’t be in a relationship with you while also expecting you to clean up shit like this. It’s not fair.”

“Oh, so, just shut up and do my job then, huh?” I cross my arms, now getting mad at him too. At least it’s an emotion. “Is that what you’re saying?”

“No, that’s not what I’m fucking saying.” He takes a step toward me but stops and runs his hands through his hair. The anguish in his tone is pulling at me. “For fuck’s sake, can my words not get fucking twisted just once today? Jesus Christ.”

I’m taken back by the venom in his words, and don’t know how to react. This feels all wrong. I still can’t wrap my head around anything that’s happening, this isn’t right.

“Then let me get this straight,” I say, finding my backbone. “Your past crawls out of the woodwork, spews a bunch of bullshit that crushes my soul, and now you’re breaking up with me because of it? Do I have that right?”

I can’t believe this is happening.

He closes the distance between us and grabs my upper arms. The intensity between us ratches up a notch, and the warmth of him so close makes me want to fight for this even harder. This should not be going this way. We should be working through this. Not giving up. I am so confused.

“I am no good for you, Tess. You’ve got to see that,” he pleads, and my heart twists into knots. “Believe me, ending this now is best for both of us.”

So, he is giving up. Just like that.

I stare up at him, trying to think of words that will change his mind, but I can see that anything I say will fall on deaf ears. He’s made his mind up.

It’s over.

He moves as if to pull me closer but stops himself. My entire body aches to lean into him; find comfort in the man that is causing my pain. It makes no sense, but I just want to stop time for one second, just to feel his arms around me one more time. One last moment of connection between us before I’m left alone again.

Gravity finally pulls every emotion from me when he lets go and walks back to his car without another word, leaving me empty. The evening chill sinks deeper into my bones.

“Please don’t do this,” I say flatly, but it’s too low for him to hear. Or if he does hear, he ignores it.

I force myself to watch as he pulls away, taking all my dreams with him as he goes.

In the blink of any eye, the beat of two hearts, everything I ever wanted crumbles into dust.

Just like that.