“Just keep doing whatever it is you’re doing. It’s obviously working.” A sly smile creeps into her mischievous expression. “I have a feeling there’s a lot of killer sex involved…”
The flush on my cheeks is immediate, and I glance around as if everyone else in the restaurant heard what Ivy said. They didn’t, of course, but just flashing back to memories of last night and this morning is enough to make me a little heated.
“There may have been…” While I’m not shy, I’m also not one to kiss and tell. I keep that part of my private life very private. “And that’s all you get.”
Ivy pouts as she leans back and crosses her arms. “You’re no fun.”
I arch a brow, still remembering a particularly hot moment from this morning, when Brad led me back to the bedroom after finding me dancing in the kitchen. The things he did to me…
“That’s not what Brad said this morning…” My grin gives me away.
“You naughty, naughty, girl,” Ivy sings, taking a sip of her mimosa. “God, I wish you weren’t so tight-lipped about that stuff. I need to live vicariously through you.”
As we chat about our love lives over lunch, I try my best to keep the bubble of relationship perfection around me going and ignore the nagging voice in my head telling me to be wary. But it doesn’t work.
My internal insecurities aren’t allowing me to enjoy this fully, and it’s bugging the shit out of me. Why can’t I let myself be happy for once? Just enjoy the high of falling in love.
Wait. Is that what I’m doing? Am I falling in love with Brad Chambers?
Shit. Shit. Shit. I think I am.
I wave down our server.
“Can I get another mimosa?”
When I go to pick up Charlie from Ian’s house, I find Mackenzie Roberts there, his girlfriend, and band manager for Murderous Crows. They’re in the middle of planning their day, and apparently an amusement park is on the menu.
Standing in lines in the hot sun for lame rides was not on my bingo card for the day. While I did get some restful sleep, it wasn’t enough to sustain me through whatever playful hell they’re conjuring up.
Mackenzie must take in my lack of enthusiasm for the outing. “We’d be happy to take Charlie with us and keep her overnight again. Wouldn’t we girls?” She turns to June and Hayley, who immediately start jumping and cheering at the idea.
I appreciate that Mac didn’t include the ‘if you don’t want to go’ part of her statement. It’s not that I don’t want to spend time with my daughter – of course, it’s not that. There’s just a certain mindset you need to be in for that kind of day, and I’m not there.
Turning to Charlie to get her input, I see the excitement written all over her face at the prospect of the outing. My chest tightens at the thought of ever disappointing her. I can’t do it. I’d give her the moon and the stars if she asked for it. I’d find a way. It’s clear in her hopeful expression that she wants to go on this adventure with her friends. I can’t say no.
“Are you sure you want to spend the day with your friends, having fun, eating junk food, riding rollercoasters, and other amazing stuff?” I keep my face as straight as possible, but she’s onto me. “Instead of hanging with your boring old man, watching bird documentaries, inside a stuffy apartment?”
“Hmm…I don’t know…” she plays along, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
“I know it’s tempting and all but use your best judgement.”
Poor June and Hayley can’t tell if we’re playing a game or not. They actually look worried that Charlie will choose me over them. Silly girls. Ian and Mackenzie really need to work on teaching them sarcasm.
Charlie sighs dramatically, adding sympathy to her tone. She’s too good at this. “Sorry, Dad. I’m going to have to go with these guys today. I’ll see you tomorrow though.”
I let out my own defeated sigh, playing up my pitiful expression. I run a hand through my hair and scratch my head. “Fine. I get it. I’m just a boring dad. You guys have fun, I guess.”
There’s an awkward beat before Charlie and I burst out laughing, and she runs into me, hugging my waist.
“You’re the best, Dad,” she giggles.
“Yeah, yeah. Just don’t give Ian and Mac any trouble, got it?” I say, kneeling to hug her back.