Istood in the middle of ancient ruins once more, staring at the men I loved, wearing my wedding dress with no corset in sight.
They waited where the altar was, in tuxedos.
Just like the last time we’d visited, there was no one here. Not even an officiant. We didn’t need one.
The last time we got married was for everyone else. This one was just for us.
But now, walking toward them, I couldn’t keep it together. This last year had been a dream, and seeing them standing there like this drove it all home.
I wasn’t alone. I saw and felt the same emotions from the three of them. We made it.
I couldn’t keep my slow pace any longer, racing to meet them. It had been Everett’s idea to do this here. Just the four of us. I loved it, and it gave me the chance to wear my wedding dress again. This time it was a million times more comfortable, and I was a million times more ready for them to take it off.
We would have a real wedding night this time.
Everett reached for me and spoke first. “I, Everett Shaw, take you, Ocean Elise Correa Caldwell, to be my wife and my Omega.” He spoke the vows in one unbroken breath, with no hesitation.
Then Cameron, and finally Micah. When they were finished, they slid my rings back on my finger together.
It was my turn, and I wasn’t going to make it. “I, Ocean Elise Correa Caldwell, take you to be my husbands and Alphas.” My breath hitched, but I kept going, meaning the vows more now than I ever had. “As long as we all shall live.”
I gave them their rings, and we didn’t wait for anyone to pronounce us married. Nor did we need it. All that we needed was each other.
Micah took me in his arms and danced with me slowly in front of the altar. “I don’t think we dance with you enough, wife.”
“No. We’re going to do it more often.”
I smiled. “I’m not going to argue with that.”
Everett sighed. “I didn’t think this through. With the photographer here I can’t fuck you on this altar again.”
Somewhere there was a hidden photographer making sure we had memories of this. “Can we do some real pictures?”
“No comment about the altar fucking? I’m shocked.” His eyebrows rose. “Maybe I need to have these two block the view and give you a reminder.”
“I’ll never forget that moment,” I told him. “But we all know you’re going to want more than one round on the altar can give us. And there’s a very nice bed waiting back at the hotel.”
He grumbled as he signaled the photographer over, but was still smiling, and through our bond, I felt no disappointment. Only eagerness.
We took more photos than we could ever need before retreating to the car and the hotel. Cam was pulling off the lace cape before we could get into the bedroom. “Wait,” I said, “I need to put something on.”
He growled. “That defeats the purpose.”
“Trust me.” I danced away from his hold and into the closet. First, I still didn’t want them to destroy the dress, and second, I’d managed to convince the design team at Cheria to help me.
Micah was designing a collection based around me. The Princess Collection. I’d told him a hundred times not to, but he didn’t listen. So I asked for one of the designs. Just a prototype to wear for this moment.