I shook my head, rolling my eyes with a smile, and he didn’t move. Suddenly, he swept his arms beneath my legs and scooped me off the ground. “What are you doing?” My voice was a desperate gasp as he climbed the steps to the temple and inside it.
Where we were very much not allowed to be.
“Everett.” I hissed his name. “We’re not supposed to be in here.”
He smirked. “Too bad there’s no one here to tell us that.”
“We’ll be careful, goddess,” he whispered, lips brushing my temple.
I was too shocked to protest about him carrying me. It didn’t feel like he was struggling, though he had to be. I swallowed, wiggling a little to see if he’d let me down.
“Afraid I’ll drop you?”
“No. Just don’t want you to throw your back out or something.”
My husband scoffed. “I’m not that old. And contrary to what you believe about yourself, the world doesn’t end if I carry you for a little while.”
He set me down on an ancient stone that I realized was the altar. I was sitting on the goddess’s altar in the middle of the temple. Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Literally holy, some would say.
If my mind hadn’t been going in a hundred directions, I might have laughed.
“I will tell you this until you believe it, Omega.” He tilted my face up to his. The way he was silhouetted by the afternoon sun made him look like a god, and in this moment, I was his willing sacrifice.
“I do not give a damn what you weigh. I don’t care that you’re not thin. I don’t care that you’re not light as a feather. And maybe when I’m old and gray, there will be a time when I can’t carry you. If that time comes, then we’ll figure it out. But in the meantime, I can, and will, whenever I damn well please. Who cares if you’re not as small as others? That’s never what I wanted nor what I asked for.”
He sank to his knees in front of me, hands dragging down my legs along with his movement. “I know, baby. I know that the world and your family have made you believe the shape of your body makes you less worthy, but it isn’t fucking true. Just because they’re assholes who don’t appreciate your curves doesn’t mean your husbands don’t.” Hands ran up beneath my skirt and the inside of my thighs. Everett ran his nose along my bare knee and inhaled like I’d been made just for him.
Those same hands gripped my thighs, fingers digging into them deliciously and hauling them apart so he knelt between them. There was no way to speak.
“I love how soft you are. I like seeing my fingers press into your skin like your body wants to mold to my will. I love the motion of everything. The ripples in your body while I fuck you.”
My breath went short. He hadn’t fucked me in long days. Nearly since that first night we all shared.
“Because every ripple means I’m the one causing them. And eventually they’ll mean pleasure for both of us.” A sly smile crossed his lips. “Should I keep going and tell you how much I fantasize about watching your tits bounce and swing while one of the others takes you from behind and I watch? Or taste them?”
“Everett.” This time his name was more a moan than anything else.
“Today this is your temple, Ocean Caldwell, and we’re not leaving until you’ve been worshipped like the goddess you are.”
My Alpha surged off his knees, capturing my lips with his and taking them without mercy and without restraint. He had me up and turned around before I could draw a full breath, pulling my dress off my shoulders and letting it pool at my feet like I truly was a sacrifice.
An offering.
He shoved the underwear off my hips and let my bra fall. “I’ve never been more tempted to burn clothing as this underwear, little nymph. Purely so I know you’re naked underneath this dress.”
But the words were nearly forgotten as he touched me. Every single part of me. Wrapped his body around mine and caressed. Squeezed. Held my breasts in his hands and weighed them with a groan. Kissed my neck, leaving my skin burned with the scruff of his beard behind.
Everett placed his hand in the center of my back and pressed until I bent at the waist, my breasts scraping the stone altar once more.