Page 13 of Priceless

“But you’re still doing it, which means it’s important or you have a death wish.”

He chuckled, but held out a hand to stop me from going closer to my office. Micah and Everett’s offices were on different floors. It made it both easier and harder. Easier since we all did slightly different things. Harder, since we constantly needed each other’s feedback.

Our assistants were very good friends.

“You have someone waiting for you in conference room B.”

I frowned. “I don’t remember having a meeting scheduled this morning.”

The look on his face told me I wasn’t wrong. “Nope. You didn’t have one. But he was here this morning before I arrived, and said you’d agreed to meet with him. All three of you, actually. And he refused to leave or reschedule. I put him in the conference room so I could talk to you, because I didn’t want to make a scene with security.”

My phone was already in my hand, ready to call security or the others. “Who is it?”

“Frank McCabe.”



I sighed. “Thanks. Let’s take the back way to the office.”

“Fine by me,” Oren muttered. “Man’s annoying as shit.”

Allowing my smirk to shine through, I was glad we weren’t the only ones that found Frank generally insufferable. “Did you get him coffee?”

“You mean did I make his overly particular and pretentious coffee order? I did. With a smile on my face. I didn’t even put salt in it like I was tempted.”

“Oren.” I choked on a laugh.

He sat at his desk and gave me a look. “What? I’m allowed to be tempted.”

“Well, get off your ass and be tempted to get my particular and pretentious coffee order, will you?”

He saluted and did as I asked. Good thing too. Because coffee really was the only thing that was going to hold me together today. I hadn’t slept well, and I didn’t think I’d be able to focus for five straight minutes in a row today. The only thing on my mind was getting to her.


Ocean Elise Correa Caldwell. We’d looked her up last night on arriving home. There wasn’t much about her publicly. But the few photos I saw of her reminded me of just how stunning she was, and a couple of the stories told me what I already knew: our Omega was beautiful on the inside too.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts of dark eyes and her warmth under my hands, I dialed both of my packmates. Everett picked up first. “Miss us already?”

“Frank McCabe is in my conference room.”

Micah made an annoyed sound. “He must be desperate. Has it even been twelve hours?”

I checked my watch. “Barely. Did Aiden find anything more?”

“Not that I know of. He’s fast, but not this fast. The things he found were just surface level, but I looked into the actual financials he sent a little more. They’re behind on paying most of their suppliers. A couple warehouses are in danger of eviction. The whole thing looks like it’s a house of cards about to topple.”

Dropping my briefcase by my desk, I sank into my chair. “What do you want me to do? Send him away until later this week?”

“I don’t love going into the meeting unprepared,” Rett said. “But if he’s this desperate, we’ll have an advantage. And that’s something we want right now.”

Yes. It was.

My cock went hard again at the mere thought of her. The whole last night had been torture, thinking of her sweet curves under my hands and see how much more I wanted to touch them. Worship them and her. Get inside her mind and figure out why those dark eyes felt so sad. Tell her how I felt after being drawn to her from across the room and then being slammed with the best, brightest, hottest scent of my life as soon as I was near her.

We’d talked about Everett’s idea, and it would work. Granted, we thought we’d have a little more time to implement it, but he was right. This was to our advantage. It would solve our problem and get us closer to our sweet Omega.