Page 105 of Priceless

The look I gave him had him laughing. “I’m thirty and up until now have been chronically single. What do you think?”

“I think I like your sassy side, sweetheart. But now I need to know if you have any of our toys at home.”

“No comment.”

The softest growl rolled through the air, echoed three times. “I knew it.” Then I was in his arms. “I’m not sure you understand what the thought of you and our toys does to me. Like you were ours before we even knew you.”

Something about the way he said that?—

A knock on the door, and the same woman pushed the door open a fraction. “I sincerely apologize, sirs, but we’re running short on time.”

I smirked up at Cameron. “I said no comment. Who knows what the truth is?”

Releasing me, he slid his hands into his pockets and stared at me with unbridled heat. “I’ll get it out of you later.”

“We’ll see.”

Those green eyes went dark, like a night forest and a hunter within them. “Yes, we will.”

I followed the woman back to the main room, an entirely different set of nerves and anticipation now in my gut.







Ididn’t know how celebrities did it. No one told you how fucking bright those lights on the red carpet were. Because holy shit, it felt like my eyes were filled with rainbows because of the lights and all the flashes.

The dress they put me in fit perfectly. Purple, just like the collection, but trending towards violet. A deep neckline showed almost too much cleavage, but with the stunning underwear set they gave me, I was supported, and nothing hurt.

Makeup and hair and dressing was a whirlwind. Now I knew why the woman—I never managed to catch her name—had been panicked. Everything took longer than I thought it would. But as soon as I was ready, I was being swept downstairs with my husbands in tuxedos.

If I hadn’t already known what they looked like naked, I would say it should be their daily wardrobe. Because it came second, but it was a close fucking second.

What I’d thought was a red carpet was actually a purple carpet, and I was surrounded by famous people. Literally famous people. An actress named Clarissa waved at us. Or rather, she waved at my husbands.

I found myself stepping closer to Cameron and taking his hand. He took it a step further and put his arm fully around my waist. I felt his smile as he kissed my temple. It was almost our turn on the carpet. “Jealous, wife?”

“No,” I lied. “I know you had a life before me.”

Cameras clicked in our direction as he bent to speak in my ear. Chills rose on my skin and my eyes fluttered closed. It wasn’t fair how simply being close to them could make me feel like this. The scent of lemons and sugar curled around me like a physical embrace. “I like you jealous. I want you as possessive as the three of us feel. As for Clarissa, she did some modeling campaigns for Cheria. That’s all we know her from. Nothing more.”

Pleasure and relief swirled down my spine, and I stood straighter. “Good.”

He laughed quietly.

We were stepping on the carpet when I panicked. “I don’t know how to pose.”

“You don’t have to pose, princess. You’re perfect.”

Unease rose under my skin, knowing that the pictures very well might not be perfect. But it would be okay. I was who I was, and whether or not a picture was flattering didn’t matter to who I was or how they felt about me. They’d already seen all of me.