“I don’t really care why they did it. They shouldn’t have,” I said. “But you’re right. This should be interesting. I’ll have him dig more.”
Taking back the phone, I texted Aiden my thanks.
Thank you. I’ll take whatever you can find on McCabe Fabrics’ current financial status.
Will do.
One more thing.
You know I live to serve.
I rolled my eyes. We’d known Aiden since college, when he came over from Albion to study. I could practically hear the cheeky fucker and the accent that used to make women fall all over him.
Zenith’s Board is trying to force our hand and make us get married.
Fucker. It doesn’t make sense. They’re making up bullshit reasons, and they seem desperate. Can you check?
It’ll cost you, but sure.
Doesn’t it always?
The Board could make up their bullshit reasons, but they weren’t the truth. Until we knew what the truth really was, my mind wouldn’t fully settle.
Not that being married bothered me as much as it had an hour ago. As long as it was with the luscious Omega seared into my mind.
We needed to find her.
And I needed to hit the gym, the pool, or the shower with a bottle of body wash and my own hand if I were going to make it through the night without turning into a literal stalker. My hand curled into a fist, and I closed my eyes. I usually had more control than this.
“Feeling a little on edge, Rett?” Cam asked. He grinned, and I wanted to punch him in the throat.
“You’re not?”
“Oh, I am.” The look in his eyes, deadly serious, told me that. “I’m just reliving that dance in my head to dull that same edge.”
“Fucker,” I muttered, which only made him smile more.
Micah laughed, but I heard the strain. “Let’s get the hell out of here before one of us does something we regret.”