The word both was a promise and a purr.
My eyes fluttered closed, and I sucked harder but slower, reveling in the texture of him on my tongue and the seeping sweetness that told me his cock was just as ready for me as I was for him.
“Put your hands on my shoulders, Ocean.” From somewhere outside myself, I heard Micah’s command and tried to obey. He was underneath me, holding me while he eased in.
We’d never done it like this, with me on top of him. In that place outside of my heat brain, I knew that this made me nervous. But it was impossible to be nervous when I was stuffed to the brim and out of my mind.
Micah’s curve felt different like this. Fingers gripped my ass, holding me in place, and he let himself go. Hard and fast, plunging into me with a pace that would break me.
Oh, how I wanted to be broken.
I couldn’t even use my mouth. Frozen. Taking what they gave me and slipping into the clouded place where there was nothing but heat and light. Time didn’t exist here. Only the interval between one brutal thrust and the next. The space between novas. The sweet, grinding friction that lifted me up and dropped me into free fall like a roller coaster.
I had no control. Pleasure seized my body and rendered me helpless. I bucked and writhed and rode Micah’s cock until I felt his knot—his glorious fucking knot—fill that aching place that always needed to be filled.
Sweet lemon sugar flowed over my tongue. It would be so easy to become addicted to them, and I wasn’t resisting it. I wanted to know them so deeply it would change me at a cellular level.
Cameron kissed my forehead and then my lips, my cheeks. “You’re doing so good, sweetheart.”
The burning had banked. I was full of a knot and had the flavor of Alpha on my tongue. For the moment, I could breathe. But I didn’t want to sleep yet.
Micah moved to lean against the edge of the nest, and I snuggled down on top of him, my head on his shoulder. “How do you feel, princess?” He stroked my spine slowly, and one of the others draped a silky blanket over the two of us.
How did I feel? Ravenous and needy. Sleepy and spent. But instead I went for the core of everything. The truth.
I dozed off to the sound of his purr beneath my ear.
We waited for a long time before daring to speak. Ocean was dozing, not quite under while she sprawled across Micah’s chest. The way she clung to him was both precious and heartbreaking, because we knew how much she’d wanted everything we had to give and didn’t believe she could ever have it.
My soul was so much lighter now that she knew what we were to her and we could be honest. This had never been fake. It had always been real, and she was ours. Forever.
Our phones sat outside the nest where we’d stripped our clothes off in order to give them to her. My suit pants poked out from behind a pillow next to Micah’s boxer briefs, and the sight made me smile. Even when she hadn’t known, she knew. So deep in her own instincts that she hadn’t stopped to question why she was building her nest with our clothes.
I crept to the door and retrieved my phone. “I’ll take care of things,” I said quietly.
“Give me mine,” Cameron said. “I was going to have some things brought over. I’ll get on it.”
“What things?”
A slow smile crossed his face. “Prototypes that aren’t going to fucking break. I told them I needed them, but had planned in the next couple of days. I’ll just get them here now.”
I chuckled and tossed him his phone.
“And I’m getting someone over to the Caldwell Estate to get everything,” he said. “The sooner the better.”
“There can’t be much left,” Micah said. “I thought we had everything brought over.”