And there it is. The source of my intense discomfort. “He is.”
Luke waits me out a moment. “Can I see him?”
Fuck. This is like an awkward boyfriend meeting the parents, only worse because I used to fuck the guy he’s waiting to see. “I … guess …”
“Luke?” Mack asks.
I turn around to find him looking like a fucking snack. He’s done his hair, he smells incredible, and those pants are fitting in all the delicious ways I remember. I consider for one wild moment jumping in front of him with a blanket to shield him from view but decide against it. Might look a bit desperate.
“Hey, Mack.” Luke looks over-fucking-joyed. “I was around this morning, and I thought … if you’re free … maybe we could grab some breakfast?”
Mack’s face falls, and he looks genuinely disappointed. “I can’t today. I have to work.”
“Ah, damn.”
I clear my throat. “Speaking of work, we should get going.” I spare Luke the most painful smile I can imagine. “We have to drop the kids off first, and we’re cutting it tight for time.”
“Well, why don’t I give Mack a lift?”
Now who’s looking fucking desperate? My teeth clack as I try to remember my patience and let him down easy. But Mack gets in there first.
“Could you? That would actually be a huge help.” He lowers his voice slightly. “The kids’ school is on the opposite side of town to the library.”
“Yeah, it’s no problem at all. I don’t start work until noon, so I have time to kill. Hey—maybe I could duck out and grab breakfast and bring it to you.”
“We’ve already had breakfast,” I point out.
“Second breakfast, then. Or elevensies.” Luke laughs, and Mack’s eyes widen.
“Tell me you’re referencing The Hobbit.”
“Of course.”
“I love that book.”
“I know. You mentioned it on our date, like, twenty times.” Luke leans over toward me like he’s letting me in on a secret. “I’ve only seen the movie.”
Mack shakes his head in horror. “We’re going to have to fix that.”
I’m sorry—we?
My heart beats louder as I glance between the two of them.
Luke’s here. At our house. They’ve been on a date. He knows The Hobbit, which I fell asleep through all three times Mack tried to watch it with me. The panic bubbling in my gut is chasing away the chill from outside, and all I can do is watch as Mack grabs his bag, ducks inside to squeeze Van and Kiera goodbye, and then disappears out the door with Luke.
No casual hug. No kiss on the temple.
Only a fast smile and the back of his head as he walks away and climbs into Luke’s car.
“Who’s that, Daddy?” Kiera asks, waving as Mack leaves.
“A … friend. Of Dad’s.” I pause, knowing I shouldn’t ask but doing it anyway. “Have you met that friend before?”
“No. Why does his hair look like fire?”
A tiny bit of the knot growing in my gut loosens. “It’s the color. Go brush your teeth.”
Kiera runs off, and I slump against the doorframe. I’m not sure why Mack dating catches me so completely off guard, considering we’ve been separated for two years now, but I feel like I’ve been winded. I might need to talk to him about random men showing up at the door when I’m home, because fuck. I’d never do that to him. Throw someone new in his face.