What’s ONE hobby you guys like to do?
Art, don’t say s?—
You were asking for that one.
I laugh because he’s right. When it comes to Art, I know I need to be more specific.
Fine. Because someone needs guidelines, something other than sex or anything sexual or immature or gross. Things that would be listed specifically as hobbies in the dictionary.
I don’t think you know how dictionaries work.
What’s going on? This is a random question even for you.
I went out with Luke and when he asked me to talk about myself, I had nothing. I don’t want to have nothing.
As in things that we do in our free time, just for us? Beau colors in. I like to go for a run or play with my nieces. Plan out more fun for Killer Adventures.
See? See how easy that was for you?
Are we going to skip over the part where you went out with someone who wasn’t Davey?
That’s not important.
Considering Davey’s all we’ve heard about for the last few weeks and you’re still madly in love with him, it’s kind of important.
I take a measured breath, trying not to get frustrated. I’ve already mentally moved on from all of this, but I suppose reading my mind isn’t something they’ve mastered yet, which seems like an oversight on their behalf.
I wanted to see if it was possible to move on. It isn’t. Luke and I are happy as friends. Davey never wanted to get divorced, and then we had sex, and I’ve decided I’ll be traveling with him when he leaves, but I want to work out all the details first before I say anything. Before all that, I need to make sure I have a life outside of him. Apparently that’s something I’ve lost, and I’d like to not be a terrible partner when I’m following him all over the country. All caught up?