Page 23 of Forgotten Romance

“That’s a surprise.” His sweet blue eyes are twinkling in a way I haven’t seen in a while. It makes me want to lean over the table and kiss him.

“A surprise?”

“Trust me: it will be fun. Gah. I can’t wait.”

I’m grinning as I get up and clear the table. I can’t wait either. Whatever it is will be a fun time with my family, and I love seeing Mack this excited about getting to surprise us all.

“What are your plans for today?” I ask him as Van slurps his milk from the bowl and somehow gets it all down his shirt and all over the chair.

“Need to run to the shops for a few things. I was going to take the kids to the park later, but it will depend on whether some of the frost melts.”

I hold up both hands with my fingers crossed. “Looking good for a white Christmas.”

“Urg, I hope not. Make the snow wait for as long as possible. It’s cold enough as it is.”

Maybe it’s selfish of me to want that magic when Mack gets cold enough on a good day. I shrug and scoop up his and Kiera’s plates.

“Ah, I mean …” He hurries after me. “It would be amazing. And I hope you get it. I’ll, umm, stay inside. That’s all.”

“You don’t have to want it because I do.”

“Of course I do!”

I start at the way he shouts it, and judging by his horrified face, I’d say it caught him as much by surprise as me. I chuckle to break the weirdness. “It’s okay. We’re allowed to like different things.”

Mack hmphs and throws himself onto a barstool.

“Everything okay?”

“Fine.” He attacks his thumbnail with his teeth, giving me the very clear message he’s not okay. But with his hand up like that, my gaze hovers on his wedding band. The fact he still wears it does strange things to me, even if it’s not on his ring finger.

“Hey …” I’m nervous even suggesting this. “Why don’t I call Mom and Dad and see if they want to spend time with the kids today? You’ve had a big week at work, and I know me being home changes the dynamic around here, so you can take the day to do … whatever.” And hopefully, that whatever isn’t calling Luke.

“Yeah … That might be good.”

I know Mom and Dad won’t care because they’re usually busier during the week than weekends, and they want as much time with the kids as they can get. If not, I’ll take them to the arcade or out for lunch. Something. I’m kind of hoping that with the kids out and me and Mack here alone that we can spend time together.

I’m not sure how to suggest it without I’m still crazy in love with you and want every second I can get falling out, so I zip it and call my parents instead.

Mom is overjoyed, and somehow, I manage the phone call, the drive over there, and then tea with them both without them reminding me that my husband is going to get away and I’m a giant idiot for letting him.

I feel like even more of an idiot when I get home and he’s not there though. The house is echoey and silent, and given I was out with the car, that has to mean Mack got picked up by someone.


I huff and dump my things in the kitchen before heading out to my back shed. It’s the best place to distract myself because when I get too far into an intricate build, my whole brain goes silent. And silent is what I need.

I flick the light on, and the space instantly comes alive. It’s less of a shed and more of my dreamland. We’ve plastered the walls and installed ultrawhite lighting, and every wall is lined with as much shelving as we could fit inside. Each shelf has mini spotlights, pointing at the sets I’ve finished and have on display, then right in the middle of the space is a huge five foot by five foot table with everything I need in organized drawers underneath.

This is what heaven looks like.

With all my travel and then having the kids most of the time while I’m home, I don’t get to spend as much time in here as I’d like. Kiera’s gotten to a good point where she can follow the instructions, but Van still has no idea. I have a bucket in the corner next to a bean bag where he can play with the giant blocks we’ve gotten him, but I’m always too on edge with the little tornado in here to actually concentrate on what I’m working on.

I make my way along the shelves, inspecting the sets, until I reach my pride and joy. The Millennium Falcon. It hasn’t moved, and judging by its pristine condition, Mack really has been out here dusting it for me.

A wave of emotion sweeps over me that even without being here, even with us not being married, he’s still looking after me.

That man is too good for words.