Page 77 of The Revenge Agenda

Hunter gapes after him in shock. “I know movies use animals as their way of showing who the good and bad people are, but I swear to fuck, that cat’s got it wrong.”

“Eh, it’s bad Hunter I’m after anyway.”

He kicks the door closed, then leans back against it, crossing those impressive arms over his mouthwatering chest. “How was your sleep?”


“And your shower last night?”

I can’t help my smile. “Thorough.”

Hunter’s eyes dip to where the blanket is covering me. “How sure are you about that?”

“Totally positive.”

“But are you?” He stalks closer. “Or do you need another opinion?”

My teeth sink into my bottom lip. “There are some places that are really hard for me to check myself. Almost impossible. Definite two-person job.”

“And where are these places?” he asks, pulling back the covers.

I shiver as the warmth evacuates into the room, and all I’m left with to heat me is Hunter’s intense focus. “Ah … my mouth is one of them. You should probably taste it. Make sure it’s fresh.”

“You’ve just woken up. I can guarantee it’s not fresh.”

“Morning breath connoisseur, are we?”

Hunter’s chuckle is deep in his chest as he climbs onto the bed and sets his hands on my knees. He pushes them open. “Anywhere else you can think of?”

“My dick!” The words fly from me before I can stop them. “I spent a lot of time on it, but it only got messier after I cleaned it, and I can’t get a good look. I bet you could. Really use all the senses. Touch, sight, taste …”

His lips hitch up on one side. “Sound?” He grips the band of my underwear and yanks it down under my ass.

“I can make as many of those as you like.”

“I’d say your dirty talk needs work, but you don’t need it with equipment like that.”

“Thanks. Grew it myself.” I’m trying to joke, but Hunter looking at my cock like that has my voice all breathy.

Apparently, he’s having the same talking issues I am. “Goddamn, Rush, that is one pretty dick.”

I glance down at myself. I’ve never thought of my cock as pretty before, but I suppose I don’t have any complaints about it. It gets horny and gets off as well as any other, and it’s big compared to most of the guys I sleep with, not that it makes any difference to me. The only complaint I have is that it’s a bitch to get in, which is why I prefer to bottom than top most of the time. “I think I’m going to need to see yours. You know. For comparison.”

Hunter’s lips hitch in the corner. “But you didn’t say please.”

“I don’t remember you saying please when you took mine out.”

“Why would I say please when I’m doing you a favor?” His fingertips run gently down my shaft, and it’s the best kind of torture. “This is all for you, Rush.”

“For me.” My voice is heavy with cynicism. “Right.” It’s never for me. The number of times I’ve been left to finish things myself is well into the double digits.

Hunter grabs my pajama pants and rips them off in one movement before lying between my legs. “I don’t like your tone.”

“What are you going to do about it?”

He sinks his teeth into my thigh, and a sharp pain travels through my leg to my dick. “Try again.”

“Want me to beg you for it?”