Page 112 of The Revenge Agenda

A person who’s all mine.

Who doesn’t play games and make me second-guess. I never knew how much I needed Hunter, but I do now.

And if he maybe loves me too, I’m not ever letting him go.

Chapter 33


Eight months later

“It’s not right,” Rush squeaks, tugging at the sleeve of the ugly Christmas sweater I’m wearing. I glance down at our matching outfits, trying to pin what it is he’s stressing about. My sweater is red and knitted, with a silky red strip running down both arms. It has ridiculous reindeer with bells on the front that, when next to Rush’s midnight-blue sweater, are positioned to look like they’re pulling the sleigh Rush has on his.

He’s been working all week on these and the ones he gave his roommates, and while I always worry for him when he gets so hyperfixated that he forgets the rest of the world, it was also nice to be the one to look after him.

The last year has been a real adjustment period for us both, but with Ian fired from the real estate job and hiding out nursing his wounds, we’ve finally just been able to focus on each other. Nothing else.

Before Rush can get too in his head again about details, I loop my arm around his waist and crush him against me.

“I know what you’re forgetting.”

“You do?”

I watch the way his eyes finally focus and hold up a sprig of mistletoe.

Rush melts against me. “Sorry. I was fussing.”

“I love your fussing,” I assure him, leaning in to kiss him. Rush immediately tries to deepen things, but I cut it off. “My parents will be here any minute.”

His face falls. “Are you sure you want them to meet me?”

“We’ve been over this.”

“No, I know …” His gaze drops as he absentmindedly plays with the bells on my chest. “I’m just saying that if you need me to hide out up here, I’ll understand.”

“Are you embarrassed?”

“No! I mean, yes, the last time I saw them, I was dressed like a slutty little elf, and they’ve probably seen more of me than I’ve ever wanted my potential future in-laws to see, but that’s not it. It’s not ideal, but …”

“Talk to me.”

He sighs, clinging to me tighter. “I’ve never met someone’s parents before. I’m scared. We both know I don’t make the best first impression, and you love them, and what if they think I’m not good enough for you? What if they hate me because of what happened? I want to make you happy, and if they don’t like me, it’s not going to make you happy, is it?”

My heart breaks for him. I hate that Rush hasn’t had the most supportive family structure and that even now, years later, he still feels like a burden on people.

I’ve told my family all about him, and while, yeah, they were hesitant about the whole situation initially, they promised to keep an open mind. The more they’ve gotten to know him through me, the more they’ve warmed to him, and I know that they’re as excited to meet him as I am for them to.

Sure, there’s still a smidge of wariness with them when it comes to me being in any relationship after what happened, but I know them. I know Rush. One meeting is all it’ll take for them to love him completely.

Audrey already does.

“I’m not worried at all. There isn’t a single thing about you that they won’t like.”

“You’re … you’re sure?”

“More than sure. I’m so damn excited that I get to introduce you to them as mine. I’m not sure what I did to deserve you, but it still hits me sometimes. This deep gratefulness that I get to call you mine.”

“Thank you.”