“Have not.”
“Have too. You wouldn’t let me get a job to help you. You keep treating me like a kid. You’re never around. And it’s so blindingly obvious you’re struggling, but the patriarchy’s got you good.”
Oh lawd. “What does the patriarchy have to do with this?”
“It’s convinced you that you have to be in charge and should never ask for help or talk about your issues.”
I’m so ready to fight her on being a dumb teen, but … actually, I think she’s right on that one.
I drop down beside her bag. “Maybe you have a point.”
“Ah, yeah.” She perches on the arm beside me. “I have a lot of great points if you’d bother to hear any of them.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?” My eyes fall closed.
“You should bang your boss.”
“What?” My eyes shoot open again as I jerk upright. “Where the hell did that come from?”
She waves a hand around her. “If he did all this for us, he wants some eggplant action.”
My brain short-circuits at discussing Art with a second person today. “You are so off base …”
“Right … because every guy Marie Kondo’s their friends’ houses and throws a bunch of money their way.” Hannah rolls her eyes, turning her attention to her nails.
“Art didn’t do this.”
“Ah, yeah he did.”
“Ah, no he didn’t. Nevele Ounces did.”
“Who the fuck is Nevele Ounces?” Hannah screws her whole face up.
“That’s the point. No one knows.”
“Okay, well, it was either some imaginary Peter Pan wannabe, or it was your very hot—for an old guy—boss who was here checking up on you.”
“Art was here?”
“Yes.” She’s looking at me like I’ve grown a second head. “Why are you struggling with this?”
“Because … because … it’s Art.”
“What? He doesn’t do nice things for people?”
“No, it’s not that.” I think of everything I’ve ever heard about Nevele Ounces doing. He’s reached almost mythical status for the people who know about him, and the thought it could be Art doing that? There’s no way.
No one knows who Nevele Ounces is, and Art is definitely the kind of loudmouth who’d take credit for his do-gooding. Taking away all of my stress? I’d never hear the end of him being my hero.
“Look, if you don’t identify that way, it’s cool, but—”
“I do.”
She blinks at me. “Umm … okay.”
“I like him. Too much.”
“Is this … are you coming out? Because I was joking about the banging the boss thing, but I’m totally here for you if you do.”