I let go of his arm like I’ve been burned. “Right. Okay.”
His smile is too friendly. Too … platonic. “See you later, then.”
I almost laugh at myself as I watch him walk away, but it’s not because I’m amused. It’s because I’m an idiot.
Those two choices I thought I had?
Turns out they were never mine to make.
Art: What does it mean when a guy’s avoiding you?
Keller: Wait … is this—is this relationship advice? Has the day come?
Art: The day hasn’t come, but I sure have. Hey-oh!
Carlton: You set him up for that one.
Keller: He never disappoints.
Mack: Awwww is Joey avoiding you? Need us to talk to him?
Art: Shit no. This isn’t high school.
Keller: You sure about that? We’re literally in a group chat, gossiping about a boy. How much more high school can you get?
Carlton: Technically we’re not gossiping about anyone … yet.
Mack: Yeah, Art! Spill!
Art: You know what? Forget I said anything.
I’m playing a dangerous game.
Acting indifferent toward Art is nearly impossible. Every time I see him, my default is to flirt, to get under his skin. Only I’ve tried that for well over a year, and he still won’t agree to lean into this chemistry we have.
He’s being a stubborn idiot. So now I’m being a ridiculous idiot and trying to show him how things would be without me around. And either I’m the dumbest person alive for even contemplating it or a fucking genius.
It’ll kill me if it’s not the second option, and that’s not even my pride talking.
It’s all these emotions.
Because what started as fun, what started as a burning need that I had to extinguish, has become an inferno. I want sex, all the sex, but I also want more waking up beside him, more murmured conversations before the day starts, more soft kisses and kind words, more of him taking control and making me feel … right.
He takes the stress out of everything. I need that.
I’m not ready to walk away.
But if there’s one thing I know about Art, it’s that he likes a challenge.
And so far, my plan is getting results.
Art has never, ever asked me to hang out.