“Says the man talking about cum baths.”
“They’re very popular in Portugal.”
“More bullshit.”
“Excuse you, sir, I am an expert.”
“So, we agree. You’re an expert in bullshit.”
I turn to Payne. “I don’t think I like your boyfriend very much.”
Payne lurches drunkenly to his feet. “Say that to my face. Numbnuts.” Then raises his fists to a decorative vase.
I lean around him to see Beau’s amused expression. “You’re the one who will have to deal with him in the morning.”
“You say that like it’s a threat, but it’s really not. He’s clingy when he’s hungover.”
“That sounds like torture.”
“Only if you’re allergic to affection.”
“Which Art is,” Griff points out.
“Unless it’s Joey you’re talking about,” Orson says, and lucky me. More of my friends here to give me shit.
“Don’t start.”
And like his name summoned him, Joey’s ass hits the arm of the couch right next to me. “Who’s talking about Joey? Art? I know, he’s obsessed, right?”
And finally, these bastards think to show a shred of loyalty by keeping their mouths shut.
Well, except Payne, but he’s on another world to the rest of us.
“You two should fuck,” he says with all the class of, well, me.
My gaze shoots up to meet Joey’s.
He winks. I hate that I find it sexy. “Ideas for next time.” Then he leans over me, filling my nose with the smell of my soap, and collects my half-full glass. “Empty? Too bad. You’ll have to come and see me if you want another one. After your friend, we’ve cut it down to one drink per person.”
“I’m not done with that one yet.”
The smart-ass blows me a kiss before leaving.
My friends are still silent. Which, yay? They’ve learned how to keep their mouths closed, but this isn’t a good kind of silence. This is a—
“Next time?” Orson demands.
Ah, fucksticks, I was hoping they missed that. “Oh, look at that, I need a drink.”
Only when I go to make a getaway, Griff pulls me back down into my seat. “Yeah, nice try. Explain.”
“Explain what?”
“How you hooked up with Joey and somehow kept quiet about it.”
“I’ll have you know I don’t tell you about everyone I sleep with.”
“Yeah, you do.” Orson looks way too happy about this. “Last time you were out, you were in the group chat while you were inside the guy.”