“Thank you, Mack.” Like I wasn’t already stressing. “Says he’s meeting his girlfriend. Who doesn’t exist.” I add that last part because the looks on their faces make me think they’re about to start yelling at me for being so stupid.
“You sure?” Payne asks like he really, really doesn’t want to.
“I’m sure.”
“Yeah, last time I spoke to him, Joey wasn’t seeing anyone,” Orson says.
“When were you speaking to him?”
“Ford and I were looking for a third.” Orson says it so casually, I believe him, right up until he laughs. “Jesus, I didn’t know your face went that red.”
“Stop channeling Griff and help me.”
“Stop channeling Payne and help yourself,” he throws back. “Fuck me. I was supposed to be the straight one, and out of all of us, I think I was the least pathetic about starting a relationship with a man.”
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.” Keller holds up his hands, deep line creased between his eyebrows. “Are we talking about Joey, as in the guy who works the bar here?”
“Yeah, why?”
“I thought he was with Will.”
I’ve never snapped my head toward someone so fast. “Excuse me?”
“Will’s moving in with me since Molly is leaving, but he said it was only for a few months. He was adamant about that, actually. Said he’ll be moving in with his friend Joey. He was blushing, for fuck’s sake. And they’ve been hanging out a lot. I thought friend was code for—”
The rest of what he has to say is drowned out by the word. Joey’s been sneaking off, seeing some girlfriend, which he thinks is hilarious to tell me, but is he actually seeing someone?
There’s no way when we said we weren’t sleeping around with other people. Even if they were out at the club together. Even if he was buying Will a drink that day.
Joey’s not a cheater. He’s not someone to string along two guys at once.
We’ve promised each other exclusivity while we’re sleeping together, but who knows how long that will continue? How am I supposed to know Joey isn’t lining up his next fling?
We’re not committed. I couldn’t give him that. All I did was give him a taste of dick and avoid every question about what happens in the future, and what if Joey’s future isn’t with me?
That question is fucking unacceptable.
“Will and Joey?” I burst out.
Keller’s mouth is wide. “Maybe I was just assuming, but he was all rambly and flushed and …”
Rambly and flushed over my Joey? My Joey?
No one knows he’s your Joey though, do they?
I shove to my feet.
“This is gonna be good,” Payne whispers as I cross to the banister overlooking the rest of the bar. It’s afternoon, and there are a few people in here grabbing post-work drinks, but my gaze immediately flies to my man. Standing at the bar, pulling a drink, and laughing at something the man in front of him is saying.
And the man in front of him has a blond pastor’s-son haircut and polo shirt to boot. Fucking Will.
I glance back at Keller. “You brought him here?”
“He said he wanted to come and see Joey.”
Blood has never pumped so loudly in my ears. To see this man thirsty for a guy who’s standing in front of him, smelling like me and covered in bruises I lovingly covered his skin in. I’m feral with rage. Possessive. And unbelievably stupid for not telling Joey he’s mine when I had the chance.