“Amor, seeing you touch yourself like that should be criminal. Let me see you come.”
And that word, I can translate easily. Love. Whether he meant it or not, the word is linked to something deeper, something that craves his affection, and as soon as I hear it, my balls pull tight.
I gasp and aim my cock at Art’s chest before the swelling need in my cock releases. Each throb loosens the stranglehold he has on me until I’m milking out the last drops, breathing through the orgasm, sweat rolling down my neck.
“Your mouth, Joey.”
I’ve barely finished coming when I slide backward on the ridiculous-thread-count sheets and suck him down into my throat. Art’s moan is full of relief, both hands in my hair as he fucks my mouth with all the restraint he has left. My name falls from his lips as he comes, each warm spurt hitting my tongue and flooding my mouth with his taste. I drink him down, determined to do as I was told as I take every last drop.
Art sags into the mattress and after a few minutes of catching his breath says, “Damn, I should have been bringing men here all along.”
I play-gasp as he laughs at me and pulls me up by his side.
“It was only that good because you were with me,” I tell him.
“I’m worried you might be right.” He wraps his arms around me as his eyes fall closed. “And that’s not as terrifying as I always thought it would be.”
I want to keep Joey.
Not a complete surprise, considering how deep under my skin he’s gotten, but it’s a surprise in general for me when I’ve been so happy flying through life solo. A partner isn’t something I’ve ever wanted or needed, but I’m not a goddamn hypocrite, and when my friends found their person, I encouraged them to go for it.
And now I think I’ve found mine.
So I do what any sane man does when he’s about to embark on a life of love and commitment: freak out and send an SOS to my friends.
Keller and Mack show up first, followed by Orson and Payne. Griff is working but sends his contribution anyway: “Whatever it is, I’m sure the answer is sex,” which makes me laugh but highlights just how annoying it is when I do that.
“What’s up?” Payne asks. “Or is that the problem? I mean, you’re in your forties now. Trouble in that department is to be expected.”
I flip him off. “We’re not here to talk about your sex life, thanks.”
“That’d be a first,” Keller throws back. He’s normally the calm, levelheaded one out of all of us, but while he’s normally quiet and relaxed, his expression looks harder today.
“You okay?” I ask him.
“That would be a no,” Orson points out.
Mack looks between the two of them. “What’s wrong, Kells? You know we’re all here for you, right?”
Keller inhales slowly through his nose. Probably so he doesn’t swear at me for drawing attention to him. “I’m fine. Everything is fine.”
“Okay, well,” I say, trying to distract. “Back to me. You know, the guy you all came for.”
Orson lifts a hand. “I’ve never come for you.”
“Me neither. And never will.” Payne cringes, and fuck him very much.
“You’d all be lucky to have me.”
“You’re a good friend.” Mack pats my knees, and I can’t tell if he’s being sweet or condescending.
I narrow my eyes at him, but his slightly vague expression doesn’t change.