Page 99 of Employing Patience

“Are you embarrassed?”

Well, there’s a question I don’t wanna answer. Embarrassed? No. More that I don’t want my sex god rating to be severely diminished from running around in a dress. Sure, there are some guys who’ll get off on that, but it’s not my kink, and I’d hate to get their hopes up. On the other hand … I’m always lecturing them on clothes being genderless and telling Gus he can wear dresses if he wants to. Kids are too young to understand that just because I don’t want to doesn’t mean it’s not because it isn’t okay.

Well, well, Art. Look who’s putting his money where his mouth is.

“Twenty?” I try without answering her.

She crosses her arms. “Mom says we can’t answer the door to strangers.”

And there’s no arguing with that.

I hike up my skirt and make my way back down the hall, reminding myself that I’ve never cared what anyone thinks before, so why start now?

My bravado lasts right up until I open the front door.

And find Joey standing there.

He blinks at me. Slowly lowers his eyes, then brings them back up again. “A-Art?”

I cross my arms and lean against the doorjamb. “That’s Princess Art to you too.”

Joey grins and sweeps into a bow, detangling one of my hands. “Your Majesty.” His lips brush my knuckles, and I have to admit, it’s not bad.

“What are you doing here?”

“Your sister requested I come and help a fair maiden.”

“I might be in a dress, but I’m anything but fair. You remember that.” Now the initial shock of seeing him is gone, I take a moment to check him out. He looks as good as ever. I keep waiting for this attraction to him to die down, but the fucking thing hasn’t lessened at all. In fact, my chest is ballooning, and I’m overtaken by the strongest urge to pull him inside and kiss him. Not even a filthy kiss either because the kids are around, but just a … kiss. A nice one. Because I wanna.

Before I can follow that thought through, Gus comes barreling down the hall.

“Come get dressed!”

As fast as he appeared, he and Joey disappear again. I close the door behind me and find Alice standing silently.

“I saw that,” she says.


“So romantic …” Then she starts giggling and making kissing noises, and it takes real effort to remind myself why I love these kids.

“Come on.” I take her hand and pull her down the hall. “I’m assuming this is what all the secrecy was about earlier?”

“Yep. Did we surprise you?”

“Very. You were super sneaky. I hope you have a villain costume in there to wear today.”

“Actually, I’m Princess Jasmine, and Gus is my tiger.”

“And Joey?” I ask, thinking of the other bag that I’ll have to chew Mariana out for later.

“Come and see!”

When we reach the living room, Gus is waiting, and the door to the playroom is closed. I adjust the annoying skirt—because seriously, what the hell were these costume designers thinking?—and wait. Cooking in this thing is going to be a pain in the ass.

The door clicks, opens, and when Joey steps out … I forgive them. I forgive every one of my traitorous family because Joey is Prince fucking Charming, and somehow, I have to keep things PG around here with him wearing all that.

Sorry, costume designers. Sorry, Mariana. You all got this thing very, very right.