Page 56 of Employing Patience

“I don’t believe you.”

“Good call.”

I fix him with a look. “Out with it. What’s the prize?”

“Winner gets free drinks at Killer Brew for the next year. All my money’s being funneled into this park, so any savings are welcome.”

“From now on, I’m charging you all double.”

“As long as you hook up with Joey within the week, you can charge the others whatever you want.”

“After everything I’ve done for you fuckers, and this is how you repay me? Just for that, I’m going to be celibate for the next … month?”

Payne shakes his head.

“Two months?” Dear God, please don’t let anyone have bet longer than that.

“Beau bet a year.”

“Beau’s in on it?”

“Everyone’s in on it.”

“Then fine.” I cross my arms. “In that case, I’m taking a vow of celibacy, and you all are going to have to deal with my horny ass. You think I’ve got a big mouth now? Just wait until that mouth isn’t getting any action. It won’t only be Griff talking about how hot Beau is.”

Payne face-plants on the table. “Maybe I’ll let Beau keep doing dangerous shit. Then he might scar up his face, and the rest of you will leave us alone.”

“Come on, Payne, you know looks aren’t everything. Annoying you outweighs potential disfigurement.”

“I’m so glad we’re on the same page here. Serious note, how is the love life going?”

“It’s active.”

“Love life, not sex life.”

I pretend to shudder. “All the same to me. I love to have sex.”

“Art …”

“Had an all-night fuckathon last night, in fact.”

“Sometimes it’s like you don’t hear people when they speak.”

“He was amazing, I was amazing …”

“Like now, for example.”

“Pity there won’t be a repeat.”

Payne ignores me and signals for the server while I thank my lucky stars that I was able to steer us away from that conversation. Love life. Fuck me. They joke that I don’t listen when they speak, but they’re clearly returning the favor. How many times do I need to highlight that relationships and I don’t mix? Why is settling down some kind of marker of success?

I have everything I could ever need, and it’s not like I’m struggling to find someone to warm my bed at night. I don’t want kids, so it’s not like there’s some imaginary biological clock I need to race, and I’m genuinely happy running my business, hanging out with my friends, and flirting up a storm with Joey.

With the adorable freckles and moles and cum-splattered abs.

I grunt, cursing that my thoughts are back there again.

But now that we’ve given in, will we still flirt? I’ve gotta admit that I’ll miss it. I squirm in my seat, suddenly not feeling great about my decision not to go in today. What if the next time I see him, Joey has nothing for me? No flirty looks, no swapped shifts, no quips or banter or teasing.