“I have a favor,” I announce as I join him.
“You always have a favor.”
“But this time, it’s important.”
“And your cousin’s wedding wasn’t?”
I wave a hand. “More important.”
He sighs, pretending to be bored when really, his eyes are locked on Will as he walks out the front door. “Out with it.”
“I can’t work next Wednesday but can make up for it Friday night.”
“No.” It’s cute he tries when we both know he’ll give in. He always does.
“But I have to take my girlfriend to this thing.” Date with the girlfriend, meeting with my teacher, same thing, right? I’m pretty sure Art doesn’t believe me, but I’m not about to tell him the real reason when it’s covering the lie I told to get this job.
“What thing?”
“Well, it’s a surprise, so …”
“I highly doubt I need to be kept in suspense purely because it’s a surprise for her.”
I grin, and his gaze drops to my mouth. “I’m taking her out to a movie.”
“I know I’m prehistoric compared to you, but even I know movies have different session times.”
“But this is a special showing. A throwback screening of her favorite movie. Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” Thank you, Hannah, for that little piece of information.
“So I have to change my shift, otherwise I’d be a horrible boyfriend, and you’re always telling us work-life balance is important.”
“Yeah, make your work your life. There you go, balanced.”
I pace around the table and drop my ass on the side of it. Right next to him. Even the air between us feels tight with tension. “You should get out more.”
He sets his hands over his stomach and leans back in his chair to look up at me. “Oh, I get out plenty.”
“I don’t mean to hook up. I mean to have fun.”
He snorts. “I have plenty of fun.”
“What? With your divorced group? Remind me, where do you guys have your meetings again?”
“I happen to like it here.”
It makes me wonder if he works because he enjoys it or if he’s escaping from something. “The place will still run without you for one day.”
“But it won’t run without my bartenders. On their set shifts.”
“Which is why I’m giving you plenty of notice for needing the day off.”
“The roster’s already out.”
“Great thing I hear about being boss …” I lean down, way too close for it to look casual. “You can change whatever you want on the schedule.”
He leans in to match me, and my whole body vibrates with his proximity. “I can also fire people too.”